Prof. Ing. Pasquale Chiacchio, Ph.D.
Prof. Ing. Pasquale Chiacchio, Ph.D.
Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Informazione ed Elettrica, Università di Salerno
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Closed-loop inverse kinematics schemes for constrained redundant manipulators with task space augmentation and task priority strategy
P Chiacchio, S Chiaverini, L Sciavicco, B Siciliano
The International Journal of Robotics Research 10 (4), 410-425, 1991
Six-dof impedance control of dual-arm cooperative manipulators
F Caccavale, P Chiacchio, A Marino, L Villani
IEEE/ASME Transactions On Mechatronics 13 (5), 576-586, 2008
Global task space manipulability ellipsoids for multiple-arm systems
P Chiacchio, S Chiaverini, L Sciavicco, B Siciliano
IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation 7 (5), 678-685, 1991
An efficient approach for online diagnosis of discrete event systems
F Basile, P Chiacchio, G De Tommasi
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 54 (4), 748-759, 2009
On the implementation of industrial automation systems based on PLC
F Basile, P Chiacchio, D Gerbasio
IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering 10 (4), 990-1003, 2012
A new dynamic manipulability ellipsoid for redundant manipulators
P Chiacchio
Robotica 18 (4), 381-387, 2000
On K-diagnosability of Petri nets via integer linear programming
F Basile, P Chiacchio, G De Tommasi
Automatica 48 (9), 2047-2058, 2012
Direct and Inverse Kinematics for Coordinated Motion Tasls of a Two-Manipulator System
P Chiacchio, S Chiaverini, B Siciliano
Journal of dynamic systems, measurement, and control 118 (4), 691-697, 1996
Task-space regulation of cooperative manipulators
F Caccavale, P Chiacchio, S Chiaverini
Automatica 36 (6), 879-887, 2000
Force polytope and force ellipsoid for redundant manipulators
P Chiacchio, Y Bouffard‐Vercelli, F Pierrot
Journal of Robotic Systems 14, 613-620, 1997
A systematic procedure for the identification of dynamic parameters of robot manipulators
G Antonelli, F Caccavale, P Chiacchio
Robotica 17 (4), 427-435, 1999
Task-oriented motion planning for multi-arm robotic systems
F Basile, F Caccavale, P Chiacchio, J Coppola, C Curatella
Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing 28 (5), 569-582, 2012
An approach to control automated warehouse systems
F Amato, F Basile, C Carbone, P Chiacchio
Control Engineering Practice 13 (10), 1223-1241, 2005
Suboptimal supervisory control of Petri nets in presence of uncontrollable transitions via monitor places
F Basile, P Chiacchio, A Giua
Automatica 42 (6), 995-1004, 2006
Robust design of independent joint controllers with experimentation on a high-speed parallel robot
P Chiacchio, F Pierrot, L Sciavicco, B Siciliano
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 40 (4), 393-403, 1993
A hybrid model of complex automated warehouse systems—Part I: Modeling and simulation
F Basile, P Chiacchio, J Coppola
IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering 9 (4), 640-653, 2012
On the implementation of supervised control of discrete event systems
F Basile, P Chiacchio
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 15 (4), 725-739, 2007
Identification of dynamic parameters and feedforward control for a conventional industrial manipulator
F Caccavale, P Chiacchio
Control Engineering Practice 2 (6), 1039-1050, 1994
Aerial service robotics: The AIRobots perspective
L Marconi, F Basile, G Caprari, R Carloni, P Chiacchio, C Hurzeler, ...
2012 2nd International Conference on Applied Robotics for the Power Industry …, 2012
An optimization approach to Petri net monitor design
F Basile, P Chiacchio, A Giua
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 52 (2), 306-311, 2007
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