T.S. Amjath-Babu
T.S. Amjath-Babu
Agricultural Economist (Modelling and Targeting), CIMMYT
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Grain legume decline and potential recovery in European agriculture: a review
P Zander, TS Amjath-Babu, S Preissel, M Reckling, A Bues, N Schläfke, ...
Agronomy for sustainable development 36, 1-20, 2016
Key indicators for monitoring food system disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic: Insights from Bangladesh towards effective response
TS Amjath-Babu, TJ Krupnik, SH Thilsted, AJ McDonald
Food security 12 (4), 761-768, 2020
Non-structural flood risk mitigation under developing country conditions: an analysis on the determinants of willingness to pay for flood insurance in rural Pakistan
A Abbas, TS Amjath-Babu, H Kächele, K Müller
Natural hazards 75, 2119-2135, 2015
What drives the willingness to pay for crop insurance against extreme weather events (flood and drought) in Pakistan? A hypothetical market approach
M Arshad, TS Amjath-Babu, H Kächele, K Müller
Climate and Development 8 (3), 234-244, 2016
Climate change and indicators of probable shifts in the consumption portfolios of dryland farmers in Sub-Saharan Africa: Implications for policy
TS Amjath-Babu, TJ Krupnik, S Aravindakshan, M Arshad, H Kaechele
Ecological indicators 67, 830-838, 2016
Integrated modelling of the impacts of hydropower projects on the water-food-energy nexus in a transboundary Himalayan river basin
TS Amjath-Babu, B Sharma, R Brouwer, G Rasul, SM Wahid, N Neupane, ...
Applied energy 239, 494-503, 2019
Climate variability and yield risk in South Asia’s rice–wheat systems: emerging evidence from Pakistan
M Arshad, TS Amjath-Babu, TJ Krupnik, S Aravindakshan, A Abbas, ...
Paddy and Water Environment 15 (2), 249-261, 2017
Climate variability, farmland value, and farmers’ perceptions of climate change: implications for adaptation in rural Pakistan
M Arshad, H Kächele, TJ Krupnik, TS Amjath-Babu, S Aravindakshan, ...
International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology 24 (6), 532-544, 2017
Climatic variability and thermal stress in Pakistan’s rice and wheat systems: A stochastic frontier and quantile regression analysis of economic efficiency
M Arshad, TS Amjath-Babu, S Aravindakshan, TJ Krupnik, V Toussaint, ...
Ecological indicators 89, 496-506, 2018
An overview of flood mitigation strategy and research support in South Asia: implications for sustainable flood risk management
A Abbas, TS Amjath-Babu, H Kächele, M Usman, K Müller
International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology 23 (1), 98-111, 2016
Influence of livelihood resources on adaptive strategies to enhance climatic resilience of farm households in Morogoro, Tanzania: an indicator-based analysis
KD Mutabazi, TS Amjath-Babu, S Sieber
Regional environmental change 15 (7), 1259-1268, 2015
Multi-level socioecological drivers of agrarian change: Longitudinal evidence from mixed rice-livestock-aquaculture farming systems of Bangladesh
S Aravindakshan, TJ Krupnik, JCJ Groot, EN Speelman, TS Amjath-Babu, ...
Agricultural Systems 177, 102695, 2020
Exploring farmers’ perceptions of agricultural technologies: A case study from Tanzania
S Jha, H Kaechele, M Lana, TS Amjath-Babu, S Sieber
Sustainability 12 (3), 998, 2020
Climate action for food security in South Asia? Analyzing the role of agriculture in nationally determined contributions to the Paris agreement
TS Amjath-Babu, PK Aggarwal, S Vermeulen
Climate Policy 19 (3), 283-298, 2019
Application of a bias-corrected meta-frontier approach and an endogenous switching regression to analyze the technical efficiency of conservation tillage for wheat in South Asia
S Aravindakshan, F Rossi, TS Amjath-Babu, PC Veettil, TJ Krupnik
Journal of productivity analysis 49 (2), 153-171, 2018
Transitioning to groundwater irrigated intensified agriculture in Sub-Saharan Africa: An indicator based assessment
TS Amjath-Babu, TJ Krupnik, H Kaechele, S Aravindakshan, D Sietz
Agricultural Water Management 168, 125-135, 2016
Quantifying farmers' preferences for cropping systems intensification: A choice experiment approach applied in coastal Bangladesh's risk prone farming systems
S Aravindakshan, TJ Krupnik, TS Amjath-Babu, S Speelman, ...
Agricultural Systems 189, 103069, 2021
Development of a participatory approach for mapping climate risks and adaptive interventions (CS-MAP) in Vietnam’s Mekong River Delta
BT Yen, NH Son, TS Amjath-Babu, L Sebastian
Climate Risk Management 24, 59-70, 2019
Sustainable survival under climatic extremes: linking flood risk mitigation and coping with flood damages in rural Pakistan
A Abbas, TS Amjath-Babu, H Kächele, M Usman, M Amjed Iqbal, ...
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 25, 32491-32505, 2018
Participatory adaptation to climate extremes: an assessment of households’ willingness to contribute labor for flood risk mitigation in Pakistan
A Abbas, TS Amjath-Babu, H Kächele, K Müller
Journal of Water and Climate Change 7 (3), 621-636, 2016
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