Ariel Lutenberg
Ariel Lutenberg
Profesor Adjunto, Universidad de Buenos Aires
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Optical encoder based on a nondiffractive beam
A Lutenberg, F Perez-Quintián, MA Rebollo
Applied Optics 47 (13), 2201-2206, 2008
Linear displacement measurement with a grating and speckle pattern illumination
F Perez-Quintián, A Lutenberg, MA Rebollo
Applied optics 45 (20), 4821-4825, 2006
Optical encoder based on a nondiffractive beam III
A Lutenberg, F Perez-Quintián
Applied optics 48 (27), 5015-5024, 2009
Performance of an optical encoder based on a nondiffractive beam implemented with a specific photodetection integrated circuit and a diffractive optical element
FP Quintián, N Calarco, A Lutenberg, J Lipovetzky
Applied optics 54 (25), 7640-7647, 2015
A primer on energy-efficient synchronization of WSN nodes over correlated Rayleigh fading channels
P Briff, A Lutenberg, LR Vega, F Vargas, M Patwary
IEEE Wireless Communications Letters 3 (1), 38-41, 2013
Optical encoder based on a nondiffractive beam II
A Lutenberg, F Perez-Quintián
Applied Optics 48 (2), 414-424, 2009
Generalised trade‐off model for energy‐efficient WSN synchronisation
P Briff, A Lutenberg, L Rey Vega, F Vargas, M Patwary
Electronics Letters 51 (3), 291-292, 2015
Evaluating the effects of combined total ionizing dose radiation and electromagnetic interference
J Benfica, LMB Poehls, F Vargas, J Lipovetzky, A Lutenberg, SE García, ...
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 59 (4), 1015-1019, 2012
Customized platform for TID and EMI IC combined measurements: case-study and experimental results
J Benfica, LB Poehls, F Vargas, J Lipovetzky, A Lutenberg, E Gatti, ...
Journal of Electronic Testing 28, 803-816, 2012
Developing an intermediate embedded-systems course with an emphasis on collaboration
A Djordjalian, A Lutenberg, JM Cruz, S García, P Martos, P Gómez
2011 Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), F3H-1-F3H-8, 2011
Evaluating the use of a platform for combined tests of total ionizing dose radiation and Electromagnetic immunity
J Benfica, LMB Poehls, F Vargas, J Lipovetzky, A Lutenberg, SE García, ...
2011 12th European Conference on Radiation and Its Effects on Components and …, 2011
Self-aligning CMOS photodetector sensor for application on an NDB-based optical encoder
N Calarco, L Mombello, J Lipovetzky, A Lutenberg, F Perez Quintián
Applied Optics 58 (33), 9172-9177, 2019
On the trade-off of power consumption and time synchronization quality in wireless sensor networks
P Briff, A Lutenberg, LR Vega, F Vargas
SENSORS, 2012 IEEE, 1-4, 2012
Design of a customized CMOS active pixel sensor for a non-diffractive beam optical encoder
N Rigoni, R Lugones, A Lutenberg, J Lipovetzky
2011 Argentine School of Micro-Nanoelectronics, Technology and Applications, 1-5, 2011
Modelling, simulation and code generation for electronic railway interlocking systems
RA Ghignone, CF Falco, FS Larosa, HPM Gouveia, LA Chang, ...
IEEE Latin America Transactions 19 (01), 155-162, 2021
Modular system for the monitoring of railway signaling equipment
L Dórdolo, S Germino, G Ramoscelli, A Permingeat, C Mancón, ...
IEEE Latin America Transactions 18 (02), 280-287, 2019
Reliability analysis of an on-chip watchdog for embedded systems exposed to radiation and EMI
C Oliveira, J Benfica, LMB Poehls, F Vargas, J Lipovetzky, A Lutenberg, ...
2013 9th International Workshop on Electromagnetic Compatibility of …, 2013
Programmable gain CMOS photodetector array for a non-diffractive beam optical encoder II
N Calarco, FP Quintián, A Lutenberg, J Lipovetzky
2013 7th Argentine School of Micro-Nanoelectronics, Technology and …, 2013
FPGA implementation of a critical railway interlocking system
MM Nicolás, LF Santiago, GR Adrián, Á Nicolás, L Ariel
IEEE Latin America Transactions 18 (02), 288-294, 2019
Flexible quantization for efficient convolutional neural networks
FG Zacchigna, S Lew, A Lutenberg
Electronics 13 (10), 1923, 2024
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