Nonrecursive models of Internet use and community engagement: Questioning whether time spent online erodes social capital D Shah, M Schmierbach, J Hawkins, R Espino, J Donavan Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly 79 (4), 964-987, 2002 | 344 | 2002 |
The interplay of news frames on cognitive complexity DV Shah, N Kwak, M Schmierbach, J Zubric Human Communication Research 30 (1), 102-120, 2004 | 306 | 2004 |
Information seeking and emotional reactions to the September 11 terrorist attacks MP Boyle, M Schmierbach, CL Armstrong, DM McLeod, DV Shah, Z Pan Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly 81 (1), 155-167, 2004 | 212 | 2004 |
Is it a sense of autonomy, control, or attachment? Exploring the effects of in-game customization on game enjoyment K Kim, MG Schmierbach, MY Chung, JD Fraustino, F Dardis, L Ahern Computers in Human Behavior 48, 695-705, 2015 | 211 | 2015 |
A little bird told me, so i didn't believe it: Twitter, credibility, and issue perceptions M Schmierbach, A Oeldorf-Hirsch Communication Quarterly 60 (3), 317-337, 2012 | 204 | 2012 |
“Killing spree”: Exploring the connection between competitive game play and aggressive cognition M Schmierbach Communication Research 37 (2), 256-274, 2010 | 188 | 2010 |
Media Use and Protest: The Role of Mainstream and Alternative Media Use in Predicting Traditional and Protest Participation MP Boyle, M Schmierbach Communication Quarterly 57 (1), 1-17, 2009 | 144 | 2009 |
Gaming across different consoles: exploring the influence of control scheme on game-player enjoyment AM Limperos, MG Schmierbach, AD Kegerise, FE Dardis Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking 14 (6), 345-350, 2011 | 137 | 2011 |
Media dissociation, Internet use, and antiwar political participation: A case study of political dissent and action against the war in Iraq H Hwang, M Schmierbach, HJ Paek, H Gil de Zuniga, D Shah Mass Communication & Society 9 (4), 461-483, 2006 | 127 | 2006 |
Media dialogue: Perceiving and addressing community problems H Rojas, DV Shah, J Cho, M Schmierbach, H Keum, H Gil-De-Zuñiga Mass Communication & Society 8 (2), 93-110, 2005 | 126 | 2005 |
Applied communication research methods: Getting started as a researcher M Boyle, M Schmierbach Routledge, 2023 | 118 | 2023 |
The ineffectiveness of fact-checking labels on news memes and articles A Oeldorf-Hirsch, M Schmierbach, A Appelman, MP Boyle Mass Communication and Society 23 (5), 682-704, 2020 | 109 | 2020 |
Expressive responses to news stories about extremist groups: A framing experiment MP Boyle, M Schmierbach, CL Armstrong, J Cho, M McCluskey, ... Journal of communication 56 (2), 271-288, 2006 | 101 | 2006 |
Content Analysis of Video Games: Challenges and Potential Solutions M Schmierbach Communication Methods and Measures 3 (3), 147-172, 2009 | 93 | 2009 |
Understanding person perceptions: Comparing four common statistical approaches to third-person research M Schmierbach, MP Boyle, DM McLeod Mass Communication and Society 11 (4), 492-513, 2008 | 92 | 2008 |
Electronic Friend or Virtual Foe: Exploring the Role of Competitive and Cooperative Multiplayer Video Game Modes in Fostering Enjoyment M Schmierbach, Q Xu, A Oeldorf-Hirsch, FE Dardis Media Psychology 15 (3), 356-371, 2012 | 89 | 2012 |
Feeling the Need for (Personalized) Speed: How Natural Controls and Customization Contribute to Enjoyment of a Racing Game Through Enhanced Immersion M Schmierbach, AM Limperos, JK Woolley Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 2012 | 89 | 2012 |
No one likes to lose: The effect of game difficulty on competency, flow, and enjoyment. M Schmierbach, MY Chung, M Wu, K Kim Journal of Media Psychology: Theories, Methods, and Applications 26 (3), 105, 2014 | 81 | 2014 |
The Impact of Game Customization and Control Mechanisms on Recall of Integral and Peripheral Brand Placements in Videogames FE Dardis, M Schmierbach, AM Limperos Journal of Interactive Advertising 12 (2), 1-12, 2012 | 74 | 2012 |
Exploring Third‐Person Differences Between Gamers and Nongamers M Schmierbach, MP Boyle, Q Xu, DM McLeod Journal of Communication 61 (2), 307-327, 2011 | 74 | 2011 |