Xiaoyuan Liu
Xiaoyuan Liu
Fujitsu Research of America, Inc.
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Quantum computing for finance
D Herman, C Googin, X Liu, Y Sun, A Galda, I Safro, M Pistoia, Y Alexeev
Nature Reviews Physics 5 (8), 450-465, 2023
A survey of quantum computing for finance
D Herman, C Googin, X Liu, A Galda, I Safro, Y Sun, M Pistoia, Y Alexeev
arXiv preprint arXiv:2201.02773, 2022
Layer VQE: A variational approach for combinatorial optimization on noisy quantum computers
X Liu, A Angone, R Shaydulin, I Safro, Y Alexeev, L Cincio
IEEE Transactions on Quantum Engineering 3, 1-20, 2022
A facile surface passivation enables thermally stable and efficient planar perovskite solar cells using a novel IDTT‐based small molecule additive
H Choi, X Liu, HI Kim, D Kim, T Park, S Song
Advanced Energy Materials 11 (16), 2003829, 2021
Transferability of optimal QAOA parameters between random graphs
A Galda, X Liu, D Lykov, Y Alexeev, I Safro
2021 IEEE International Conference on Quantum Computing and Engineering (QCE …, 2021
Dopant‐free phthalocyanine hole conductor with thermal‐induced holistic passivation for stable perovskite solar cells with 23% efficiency
G Qu, L Dong, Y Qiao, D Khan, Q Chen, P Xie, X Yu, X Liu, Y Wang, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 32 (41), 2206585, 2022
Synergy Effect of a π‐Conjugated Ionic Compound: Dual Interfacial Energy Level Regulation and Passivation to Promote Voc and Stability of Planar Perovskite …
X Liu, J Min, Q Chen, T Liu, G Qu, P Xie, H Xiao, JJ Liou, T Park, ZX Xu
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 61 (11), e202117303, 2022
A study of different central metals in octamethyl-substituted phthalocyanines as dopant-free hole-transport layers for planar perovskite solar cells
Y Wang, X Zheng, X Liu, Y Feng, H Shan, L Dong, G Fang, ZX Xu
Organic Electronics 56, 276-283, 2018
Similarity-based parameter transferability in the quantum approximate optimization algorithm
A Galda, E Gupta, J Falla, X Liu, D Lykov, Y Alexeev, I Safro
Frontiers in Quantum Science and Technology 2, 1200975, 2023
A survey of quantum computing for finance (2022)
D Herman, C Googin, X Liu, A Galda, I Safro, Y Sun, M Pistoia, Y Alexeev
arXiv preprint arXiv:2201.02773, 2023
On modeling local search with special-purpose combinatorial optimization hardware
X Liu, H Ushijima-Mwesigwa, A Mandal, S Upadhyay, I Safro, A Roy
arXiv preprint arXiv:1911.09810, 2019
Hybrid quantum-classical multilevel approach for maximum cuts on graphs
A Angone, X Liu, R Shaydulin, I Safro
2023 IEEE High Performance Extreme Computing Conference (HPEC), 1-7, 2023
Quantum approximate optimization algorithm with sparsified phase operator
X Liu, R Shaydulin, I Safro
2022 IEEE international conference on quantum computing and engineering (QCE …, 2022
Danylo Lykov, Yuri Alexeev, and Ilya Safro
A Galda, X Liu
Transferability of optimal qaoa parameters between random graphs, 171-180, 2021
Partitioning dense graphs with hardware accelerators
X Liu, H Ushijima-Mwesigwa, I Ghosh, I Safro
International Conference on Computational Science, 476-483, 2022
Leveraging special-purpose hardware for local search heuristics
X Liu, H Ushijima-Mwesigwa, A Mandal, S Upadhyay, I Safro, A Roy
Computational Optimization and Applications 82 (1), 1-29, 2022
Elruna: elimination rule-based network alignment
Z Qiu, R Shaydulin, X Liu, Y Alexeev, CS Henry, I Safro
Journal of Experimental Algorithmics (JEA) 26, 1-32, 2021
Danylo Lykov, Yuri Alexeev, and Ilya Safro. Transferability of optimal QAOA parameters between random graphs, June 2021
A Galda, X Liu
arXiv preprint arXiv:2106.07531, 0
A survey of quantum computing for finance. arXiv 2022
D Herman, C Googin, X Liu, A Galda, I Safro, Y Sun, M Pistoia, Y Alexeev
arXiv preprint arXiv:2201.02773, 0
Learning to optimize quantum neural networks without gradients
A Kulshrestha, X Liu, H Ushijima-Mwesigwa, I Safro
2023 IEEE international conference on quantum computing and engineering (QCE …, 2023
文章 1–20