Solomon Messing
Solomon Messing
New York University
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Exposure to ideologically diverse news and opinion on Facebook
E Bakshy, S Messing, LA Adamic
Science 348 (6239), 1130-1132, 2015
Selective exposure in the age of social media: Endorsements trump partisan source affiliation when selecting news online
S Messing, SJ Westwood
Communication research 41 (8), 1042-1063, 2014
How words and money cultivate a personal vote: The effect of legislator credit claiming on constituent credit allocation
J Grimmer, S Messing, SJ Westwood
American Political Science Review 106 (4), 703-719, 2012
Quantifying social media’s political space: Estimating ideology from publicly revealed preferences on Facebook
R Bond, S Messing
American Political Science Review 109 (1), 62-78, 2015
Estimating heterogeneous treatment effects and the effects of heterogeneous treatments with ensemble methods
J Grimmer, S Messing, SJ Westwood
Political Analysis 25 (4), 413-434, 2017
Do attitudes about immigration predict willingness to admit individual immigrants? A cross-national test of the person-positivity bias
S Iyengar, S Jackman, S Messing, N Valentino, T Aalberg, R Duch, ...
Public opinion quarterly 77 (3), 641-665, 2013
Bots in the Twittersphere
S Wojcik, S Messing, AW Smith, L Rainie, P Hitlin
Pew Research Center, 2018
Who is a ‘deserving’immigrant? An experimental study of Norwegian attitudes
T Aalberg, S Iyengar, S Messing
Scandinavian Political Studies 35 (2), 97-116, 2012
Projecting confidence: How the probabilistic horse race confuses and demobilizes the public
S Westwood, S Messing, Y Lelkes
Journal of Politics, 2019
Ferumoxytol: a new, clinically applicable label for stem-cell tracking in arthritic joints with MRI
A Khurana, H Nejadnik, F Chapelin, O Lenkov, R Gawande, S Lee, ...
Nanomedicine 8 (12), 1969-1983, 2013
Iron administration before stem cell harvest enables MR imaging tracking after transplantation
A Khurana, F Chapelin, G Beck, OD Lenkov, J Donig, H Nejadnik, ...
Radiology 269 (1), 186-197, 2013
Intravenous ferumoxytol allows noninvasive MR imaging monitoring of macrophage migration into stem cell transplants
A Khurana, H Nejadnik, R Gawande, G Lin, S Lee, S Messing, ...
Radiology 264 (3), 803-811, 2012
Role of diffusion-weighted imaging in differentiating benign and malignant pediatric abdominal tumors
RS Gawande, G Gonzalez, S Messing, A Khurana, HE Daldrup-Link
Pediatric radiology 43, 836-845, 2013
Differentiation of Normal Thymus from Anterior Mediastinal Lymphoma and Lymphoma Recurrence at Pediatric PET/CT
RS Gawande, A Khurana, S Messing, D Zhang, RT Castañeda, ...
Radiology 262 (2), 613-622, 2012
Large language models can be used to estimate the latent positions of politicians
PY Wu, J Nagler, JA Tucker, S Messing
arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.12057, 2023
Bias in the Flesh: Attack Ads and the Effects of Visual Cues in the 2008 Presidential Campaign
S Messing, E Plaut, M Jabon
Guidelines for implementing and auditing differentially private systems
D Kifer, S Messing, A Roth, A Thakurta, D Zhang
arXiv preprint arXiv:2002.04049, 2020
Facebook Privacy-Protected Full URLs Data Set
S Messing, C DeGregorio, B Hillenbrand, G King, S Mahanti, Z Mukerjee, ...
https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/TDOAPG, 2020
A 2 million-person, campaign-wide field experiment shows how digital advertising affects voter turnout
M Aggarwal, J Allen, A Coppock, D Frankowski, S Messing, K Zhang, ...
Nature Human Behaviour 7 (3), 332-341, 2023
Of course I wouldn't do that in real life: advancing the arguments for increasing realism in HCI experiments
L Lew, T Nguyen, S Messing, S Westwood
CHI'11 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 419-428, 2011
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