Harry Yaojun Yan
Harry Yaojun Yan
Stanford University, Texas A&M University, Indiana University-Bloomington
在 stanford.edu 的電子郵件地址已通過驗證
Black Lives Matter protests shift public discourse
Z Dunivin, HY Yan, I Jelani, F Rojas
Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences 119 (10), 2022
Asymmetrical perceptions of partisan political bots
HY Yan, KC Yang, F Menczer, J Shanahan
New Media & Society 23 (10), 3016-3037, 2021
“The rippled perceptions”: The effects of LGBT-inclusive TV on own attitudes and perceived attitudes of peers toward lesbians and gays
HY Yan
Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly 96 (3), 848-871, 2019
Pornography use, two forms of dehumanization, and sexual aggression: Attitudes vs. behaviors
Y Zhou, T Liu, Y Yan, B Paul
Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy 47 (6), 571-590, 2021
Camera point-of-view exacerbates racial bias in viewers of police use of force videos
RL Bailey, GL Read, YJH Yan, J Liu, DA Makin, D Willits
Journal of Communication 71 (2), 246-275, 2021
Artificial intelligence is ineffective and potentially harmful for fact checking
MR DeVerna, HY Yan, KC Yang, F Menczer
arXiv preprint arXiv:2308.10800, 2023
Exposure to social bots amplifies perceptual biases and regulation propensity
HY Yan, KC Yang, J Shanahan, F Menczer
Scientific Reports, 2023
Non-profit reuse as a solution to reducing digital divides and technology maintenance inequalities
AL Gonzales, HY Yan
Organizing inclusion, 73-89, 2020
The landscape of social bot research: a critical appraisal
HY Yan, KC Yang
Handbook of Critical Studies of Artificial Intelligence, 716-725, 2023
What's missing? How technology maintenance is overlooked in representative surveys of digital inequalities.
A Gonzales, HY Yan, G Read, A Brown
Handbook of Digital Inequalities, 2021
Sociodemographics and transdiagnostic mental health symptoms in SOCIAL (studies of online cohorts for internalizing symptoms and language) I and II: cross-sectional survey and …
L Lorenzo-Luaces, J Howard, A Edinger, HY Yan, LA Rutter, D Valdez, ...
JMIR Formative Research 6 (10), e39324, 2022
Making stability dependable: stable cellphone access leads to better health outcomes for those experiencing poverty
GL Read, HY Yan, PB Anderson, LPB Partain, Z Vaughn, A Semivolos, ...
Information, Communication & Society 25 (14), 2122-2139, 2022
Fact-checking information generated by a large language model can decrease news discernment
MR DeVerna, HY Yan, KC Yang, F Menczer
Preprint at https://arxiv. org/abs/2308.10800, 2023
A Relational Equality Bias: Women’s Narrative Engagement in Reading Chinese BL
Y Zhou, T Liu, YH Yaojun, B Paul, W Yuezheng
International Journal of Communication 15, 4840–4861, 2021
Black lives matter protests shift public discourse
H Yan, Z Dunivin, F Rojas, J Ince
Open Science Framework, 2022
Fact-checking information from large language models can decrease headline discernment
MR DeVerna, HY Yan, KC Yang, F Menczer
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 121 (50), e2322823121, 2024
Camera perspective and skin color: Biased reactions to viral body worn camera videos of police violence
RL Bailey, HY Yan, GL Read
Communication Monographs, 1-22, 2023
It Takes Guts to be a Rebel! A Dynamic Coordination Account of the Relationship between Motivational Reactivity, Social Morality, and Political Ideology
X Zheng, A Lang, A Almond, HY Yan
Politics and the Life Sciences, 1-29, 2022
Viewing violent policing videos contributes to trauma symptoms for Black Americans.
GL Read, HY Yan, RL Bailey
Cultural Diversity & Ethnic Minority Psychology, 2023
Television, Authoritarianism, and Support for Trump: A Replication
E Hermann, M Morgan, J Shanahan, HY Yan
Public Opinion Quarterly, 2023
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