Michael Killian
Michael Killian
Associate Professor, Florida State University College of Social Work
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Depression screening and education: an examination of mental health literacy and stigma in a sample of Hispanic women
V Lopez, K Sanchez, MO Killian, BH Eghaneyan
BMC public health 18, 1-8, 2018
Reclaiming social work? An evaluation of systemic units as an approach to delivering children’s services
D Forrester, D Westlake, M McCann, A Thurnham, G Shefer, G Glynn, ...
University of Bedfordshire, 2013
Levels of stress and anxiety in child and family social work: Workers' perceptions of organizational structure, professional support and workplace opportunities in Children's …
P Antonopoulou, M Killian, D Forrester
Children and Youth Services Review 76, 42-50, 2017
Psychosocial predictors of medication non‐adherence in pediatric organ transplantation: A systematic review
MO Killian, DL Schuman, GS Mayersohn, KN Triplett
Pediatric Transplantation 22, 2018
Braving human suffering: Death education and its relationship to empathy and mindfulness
J Cacciatore, K Thieleman, M Killian, K Tavasolli
Social Work Education 34 (1), 91-109, 2015
Condemning self, condemning other: blame and mental health in women suffering stillbirth
J Cacciatore, J Frøen, M Killian
Journal of Mental Health Counseling 35 (4), 342-359, 2013
What Is the Relationship between Worker Skills and Outcomes for Families in Child and Family Social Work?
D Forrester, D Westlake, M Killian, V Antonopolou, M McCann, ...
The British Journal of Social Work, 2019
Measuring relationship quality in an international study: Exploratory and confirmatory factor validity
P Chonody, J., Gabb, J., Killian, M., & Dunk-West
Research on Social Work Practice, 2017
A randomized controlled trial of training in Motivational Interviewing for child protection
D Forrester, D Westlake, M Killian, V Antonopoulou, M McCann, ...
Children and Youth Services Review 88, 180-190, 2018
Health-related quality of life in children with Developmental Coordination Disorder: Association between the PedsQL and KIDSCREEN instruments and comparison with their …
P Caçola, M Killian
Research in developmental disabilities 75, 32-39, 2018
A systematic review of latent variable mixture modeling research in social work journals
MO Killian, AN Cimino, BE Weller, C Hyun Seo
Journal of Evidence-Based Social Work 16 (2), 192-210, 2019
Information about human sexuality: Sources, satisfaction, and perceived knowledge among college students
SE Rutledge, DC Siebert, J Chonody, M Killian
Sex Education 11 (4), 471-487, 2011
The index of attitudes toward homosexuals 30 years later: A psychometric study
DC Siebert, J Chonody, SE Rutledge, M Killian
Research on Social Work Practice 19 (2), 214-220, 2009
Validity of the working alliance inventory within child protection services
M Killian, D Forrester, D Westlake, P Antonopoulou
Research on Social Work Practice 27 (6), 704-715, 2017
Culturally adapted depression education and engagement in treatment among Hispanics in primary care: outcomes from a pilot feasibility study
K Sanchez, MO Killian, BH Eghaneyan, LJ Cabassa, MH Trivedi
BMC Family Practice 20, 1-9, 2019
Psychometric properties of the concise health risk tracking (CHRT) in adolescents with suicidality
TL Mayes, BD Kennard, M Killian, T Carmody, BD Grannemann, AJ Rush, ...
Journal of affective disorders 235, 45-51, 2018
Pilot study of a single session heart rate variability biofeedback intervention on veterans’ posttraumatic stress symptoms
DL Schuman, MO Killian
Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback 44 (1), 9-20, 2019
Psychosocial predictors of medication adherence in pediatric heart and lung organ transplantation
MO Killian
Pediatric transplantation 21 (4), e12899, 2017
Caregiver identity theory and predictors of burden and depression: Findings from the REACH II study
VJ Miller, MO Killian, N Fields
Aging & Mental Health 24 (2), 212-220, 2020
Patterns of practice: An exploratory factor analysis of child and family social worker skills
D Forrester, M Killian, D Westlake, L Sheehan
Child & Family Social Work 25 (1), 108-117, 2020
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