Jessica T. Feezell
Agenda setting through social media: The importance of incidental news exposure and social filtering in the digital era
JT Feezell
Political research quarterly 71 (2), 482-494, 2018
Facebook and political engagement: A study of online political group membership and offline political engagement
M Conroy, JT Feezell, M Guerrero
Computers in Human behavior 28 (5), 1535-1546, 2012
Digital media literacy education and online civic and political participation
J Kahne, NJ Lee, JT Feezell
International journal of communication 6, 24, 2012
The civic and political significance of online participatory cultures among youth transitioning to adulthood
J Kahne, NJ Lee, JT Feezell
Journal of Information Technology & Politics 10 (1), 1-20, 2013
Youth online activity and exposure to diverse perspectives
J Kahne, E Middaugh, NJ Lee, JT Feezell
New media & society 14 (3), 492-512, 2012
Predicting online political participation: The importance of selection bias and selective exposure in the online setting
JT Feezell
Political Research Quarterly 69 (3), 495-509, 2016
Facebook is... fostering political engagement: A study of online social networking groups and offline participation
JT Feezell, M Conroy, M Guerrero
Fostering Political Engagement: A Study of Online Social Networking Groups …, 2009
Exploring the effects of algorithm-driven news sources on political behavior and polarization
JT Feezell, JK Wagner, M Conroy
Computers in human behavior 116, 106626, 2021
‘I saw it on Facebook’: an experimental analysis of political learning through social media
JT Feezell, B Ortiz
Information, Communication & Society 24 (9), 1283-1302, 2021
Internet use and political participation: Engaging citizenship norms through online activities
JT Feezell, M Conroy, M Guerrero
Journal of Information Technology & Politics 13 (2), 95-107, 2016
The influence of citizenship norms and media use on different modes of political participation in the US
L Copeland, JT Feezell
Political Studies 65 (4), 805-823, 2017
Framing, identity, and responsibility: do episodic vs. thematic framing effects vary by target population?
JT Feezell, RA Glazier, AE Boydstun
Politics, Groups, and Identities, 2021
The public’s trust in scientific claims regarding offshore oil drilling
JE Carlisle, JT Feezell, KEH Michaud, ERAN Smith, L Smith
Public Understanding of Science 19 (5), 514-527, 2010
In the wake of a terrorist attack, do Americans’ attitudes toward Muslims decline?
AE Boydstun, JT Feezell, RA Glazier
Research & Politics 5 (4), 2053168018806391, 2018
The politics of energy crises
JE Carlisle
Oxford University Press, 2017
Self-coding: A method to assess semantic validity and bias when coding open-ended responses
RA Glazier, AE Boydstun, JT Feezell
Research & Politics 8 (3), 20531680211031752, 2021
Colleague crowdsourcing: a method for fostering national student engagement and large-N data collection
AE Boydstun, JT Feezell, RA Glazier, TP Jurka, MT Pietryka
PS: Political Science & Politics 47 (4), 829-834, 2014
Scrollability: A new digital news affordance
K Searles, JT Feezell
Political Communication 40 (5), 670-675, 2023
An experimental test of using digital media literacy education and twitter to promote political interest and learning in American politics courses
JT Feezell
Journal of Political Science Education 17 (sup1), 634-648, 2021
Disagreement without deterrence: The importance of the setting for the study of political disagreement and participation of youth
JT Feezell, JL Jones
American Politics Research 47 (4), 915-946, 2019
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