Uncertainty during organizational change: Types, consequences, and management strategies P Bordia, E Hobman, E Jones, C Gallois, VJ Callan Journal of business and psychology 18, 507-532, 2004 | 1167 | 2004 |
Uncertainty during organizational change: Is it all about control? P Bordia, E Hunt, N Paulsen, D Tourish, N DiFonzo European journal of work and organizational psychology 13 (3), 345-365, 2004 | 867 | 2004 |
Rumor psychology: Social and organizational approaches. N DiFonzo, P Bordia American Psychological Association, 2007 | 862 | 2007 |
Face-to-face versus computer-mediated communication: A synthesis of the experimental literature P Bordia The Journal of Business Communication (1973) 34 (1), 99-118, 1997 | 847 | 1997 |
Uncertainty during organizational change: Managing perceptions through communication J Allen, NL Jimmieson, P Bordia, BE Irmer Journal of change management 7 (2), 187-210, 2007 | 703 | 2007 |
When employees strike back: investigating mediating mechanisms between psychological contract breach and workplace deviance. P Bordia, SLD Restubog, RL Tang Journal of Applied psychology 93 (5), 1104, 2008 | 644 | 2008 |
A tale of two corporations: Managing uncertainty during organizational change N DiFonzo, P Bordia Human Resource Management: Published in Cooperation with the School of …, 1998 | 624 | 1998 |
Career adaptation: The relation of adaptability to goal orientation, proactive personality, and career optimism LR Tolentino, PRJM Garcia, VN Lu, SLD Restubog, P Bordia, C Plewa Journal of vocational behavior 84 (1), 39-48, 2014 | 615 | 2014 |
Rumor, gossip and urban legends N DiFonzo, P Bordia Diogenes 54 (1), 19-35, 2007 | 543 | 2007 |
A multidimensional approach to the group cohesion-group performance relationship A Chang, P Bordia Small group research 32 (4), 379-405, 2001 | 475 | 2001 |
Reining in rumors N DiFonzo, P Bordia, RL Rosnow Organizational dynamics 23 (1), 47-62, 1994 | 463 | 1994 |
Effects of psychological contract breach on organizational citizenship behaviour: Insights from the group value model SLD Restubog, MJ Hornsey, P Bordia, SR Esposo Journal of Management Studies 45 (8), 1377-1400, 2008 | 442 | 2008 |
Problem solving in social interactions on the Internet: Rumor as social cognition P Bordia, N DiFonzo Social Psychology Quarterly 67 (1), 33-49, 2004 | 406 | 2004 |
Perceived dissimilarity and work group involvement: The moderating effects of group openness to diversity EV Hobman, P Bordia, C Gallois Group & Organization Management 29 (5), 560-587, 2004 | 370 | 2004 |
Career optimism: The roles of contextual support and career decision-making self-efficacy PRJM Garcia, SLD Restubog, P Bordia, S Bordia, REO Roxas Journal of vocational behavior 88, 10-18, 2015 | 363 | 2015 |
Differences in sharing knowledge interpersonally and via databases: The role of evaluation apprehension and perceived benefits P Bordia, BE Irmer, D Abusah European journal of work and organizational psychology 15 (3), 262-280, 2006 | 352 | 2006 |
Effects of psychological contract breach on performance of IT employees: The mediating role of affective commitment SLD Restubog, P Bordia, RL Tang Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology 79 (2), 299-306, 2006 | 344 | 2006 |
Haunted by the past: Effects of poor change management history on employee attitudes and turnover P Bordia, SLD Restubog, NL Jimmieson, BE Irmer Group & Organization Management 36 (2), 191-222, 2011 | 307 | 2011 |
Abusive supervision in advising relationships: Investigating the role of social support EV Hobman, SLD Restubog, P Bordia, RL Tang Applied Psychology 58 (2), 233-256, 2009 | 295 | 2009 |
Consequences of feeling dissimilar from others in a work team EV Hobman, P Bordia, C Gallois Journal of Business and Psychology 17, 301-325, 2003 | 291 | 2003 |