R. L. Hwang
R. L. Hwang
Professor, National Kaohsiung Normal University,Taiwan
在 mail.nknu.edu.tw 的電子郵件地址已通過驗證
Shading effect on long-term outdoor thermal comfort
TP Lin, A Matzarakis, RL Hwang
Building and environment 45 (1), 213-221, 2010
Seasonal effects of urban street shading on long-term outdoor thermal comfort
RL Hwang, TP Lin, A Matzarakis
Building and environment 46 (4), 863-870, 2011
Field experiments on thermal comfort in campus classrooms in Taiwan
RL Hwang, TP Lin, NJ Kuo
Energy and Buildings 38 (1), 53-62, 2006
Satisfaction of occupants toward indoor environment quality of certified green office buildings in Taiwan
HH Liang, CP Chen, RL Hwang, WM Shih, SC Lo, HY Liao
Building and Environment 72, 232-242, 2014
Effect of thermal adaptation on seasonal outdoor thermal comfort
TP Lin, R De Dear, RL Hwang
International journal of climatology 31 (2), 302-312, 2011
Field study on behaviors and adaptation of elderly people and their thermal comfort requirements in residential environments
RL Hwang, CP Chen
Indoor air 20 (3), 235-245, 2010
Thermal perceptions, general adaptation methods and occupant's idea about the trade-off between thermal comfort and energy saving in hot–humid regions
RL Hwang, MJ Cheng, TP Lin, MC Ho
Building and Environment 44 (6), 1128-1134, 2009
Effects of temperature steps on human skin physiology and thermal sensation response
CP Chen, RL Hwang, SY Chang, YT Lu
Building and Environment 46 (11), 2387-2397, 2011
Thermal comfort requirements for occupants of semi-outdoor and outdoor environments in hot-humid regions
RL Hwang, TP Lin
Architectural Science Review 50 (4), 357-364, 2007
Patient thermal comfort requirement for hospital environments in Taiwan
RL Hwang, TP Lin, MJ Cheng, JH Chien
Building and environment 42 (8), 2980-2987, 2007
Linking occupants’ thermal perception and building thermal performance in naturally ventilated school buildings
HH Liang, TP Lin, RL Hwang
Applied Energy 94, 355-363, 2012
Carbon dioxide emissions generated by energy consumption of hotels and homestay facilities in Taiwan
KT Tsai, TP Lin, RL Hwang, YJ Huang
Tourism Management 42, 13-21, 2014
Future trends of residential building cooling energy and passive adaptation measures to counteract climate change: The case of Taiwan
KT Huang, RL Hwang
Applied Energy 184, 1230-1240, 2016
Building envelope regulations on thermal comfort in glass facade buildings and energy-saving potential for PMV-based comfort control
RL Hwang, SY Shu
Building and Environment 46 (4), 824-834, 2011
Investigating the adaptive model of thermal comfort for naturally ventilated school buildings in Taiwan
RL Hwang, TP Lin, CP Chen, NJ Kuo
International journal of biometeorology 53, 189-200, 2009
Outdoor thermal comfort characteristics in the hot and humid region from a gender perspective
CH Tung, CP Chen, KT Tsai, N Kántor, RL Hwang, A Matzarakis, TP Lin
International journal of biometeorology 58, 1927-1939, 2014
Thermal comfort for urban parks in subtropics: understanding visitor’s perceptions, behavior and attendance
CH Lin, TP Lin, RL Hwang
Advances in Meteorology 2013 (1), 640473, 2013
Implementation of green building specification credits for better thermal conditions in naturally ventilated school buildings
KT Huang, WP Huang, TP Lin, RL Hwang
Building and Environment 86, 141-150, 2015
Spatial and temporal analysis of urban heat island and global warming on residential thermal comfort and cooling energy in Taiwan
RL Hwang, CY Lin, KT Huang
Energy and Buildings 152, 804-812, 2017
Passenger thermal perceptions, thermal comfort requirements, and adaptations in short-and long-haul vehicles
TP Lin, RL Hwang, KT Huang, CY Sun, YC Huang
International journal of biometeorology 54, 221-230, 2010
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