Natalia Fili
Natalia Fili
School of Natural Sciences, College of Health and Science, University of Lincoln,
在 lincoln.ac.uk 的電子郵件地址已通過驗證
Compartmental signal modulation: Endosomal phosphatidylinositol 3-phosphate controls endosome morphology and selective cargo sorting
N Fili, V Calleja, R Woscholski, PJ Parker, B Larijani
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 103 (42), 15473-15478, 2006
NDP52 activates nuclear myosin VI to enhance RNA polymerase II transcription
N Fili, Y Hari-Gupta, Á Dos Santos, A Cook, S Poland, SM Ameer-Beg, ...
Nature Communications 8 (1), 1871, 2017
Visualizing helicases unwinding DNA at the single molecule level
N Fili, GI Mashanov, CP Toseland, C Batters, MI Wallace, JTP Yeeles, ...
Nucleic acids research 38 (13), 4448-4457, 2010
Atomic Force Microscopy micro-rheology reveals large structural inhomogeneities in single cell-nuclei
M Lherbette, Á Dos Santos, Y Hari-Gupta, N Fili, CP Toseland, ...
Scientific reports 7 (1), 8116, 2017
Unconventional myosins: how regulation meets function
N Fili, CP Toseland
International journal of molecular sciences 21 (1), 67, 2019
Monomeric PcrA helicase processively unwinds plasmid lengths of DNA in the presence of the initiator protein RepD
LT Chisty, CP Toseland, N Fili, GI Mashanov, MS Dillingham, JE Molloy, ...
Nucleic acids research 41 (9), 5010-5023, 2013
Myosin VI regulates the spatial organisation of mammalian transcription initiation
Y Hari-Gupta, N Fili, Á Dos Santos, AW Cook, RE Gough, HCW Reed, ...
Nature communications 13 (1), 1346, 2022
Competition between two high-and low-affinity protein-binding sites in myosin VI controls its cellular function
N Fili, Y Hari-Gupta, B Aston, Á Dos Santos, RE Gough, B Alamad, ...
Journal of Biological Chemistry 295 (2), 337-347, 2020
Nuclear myosin VI regulates the spatial organization of mammalian transcription initiation
Y Hari-Gupta, N Fili, Á dos Santos, AW Cook, RE Gough, HCW Reed, ...
bioRxiv, 2020.04. 21.053124, 2020
Myosin VI moves on nuclear actin filaments and supports long-range chromatin rearrangements
A Große-Berkenbusch, J Hettich, T Kuhn, N Fili, AW Cook, Y Hari-Gupta, ...
Biorxiv, 2020.04. 03.023614, 2020
Fluorescence and labelling: how to choose and what to do
N Fili, CP Toseland
Fluorescent methods for molecular motors, 1-24, 2014
Fluorescent methods for molecular motors
CP Toseland, N Fili
Springer, 2014
Binding partners regulate unfolding of myosin VI to activate the molecular motor
Á Dos Santos, N Fili, Y Hari-Gupta, RE Gough, L Wang, ...
Biochemical Journal 479 (13), 1409-1428, 2022
A single-molecule approach to visualize the unwinding activity of DNA helicases
N Fili, CP Toseland, MS Dillingham, MR Webb, JE Molloy
Single Molecule Enzymology: Methods and Protocols, 193-214, 2011
High-throughput mechanobiology: Force modulation of ensemble biochemical and cell-based assays
Á Dos Santos, N Fili, DS Pearson, Y Hari-Gupta, CP Toseland
Biophysical Journal 120 (4), 631-641, 2021
Occupational exposure to CO concentrations in enclosed garages: Estimation of blood COHb levels
A Chaloulakou, N Fili, N Spyrelis
Environmental Pollution, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference …, 2000
NDP52 activates nuclear myosin VI to enhance RNA polymerase II transcription. Nat Commun 8 (1): 1871
N Fili, Y Hari-Gupta, A Dos Santos, A Cook, S Poland, SM Ameer-Beg, ...
A targeted and tuneable dna damage tool using crispr/cas9
I Emmanouilidis, N Fili, AW Cook, Y Hari-Gupta, Á Dos Santos, L Wang, ...
Biomolecules 11 (2), 288, 2021
Single-molecule and single-particle imaging of molecular motors in vitro and in vivo
N Fili
Fluorescent Methods for Molecular Motors, 131-159, 2014
Acute depletion of plasma membrane phospholipids—dissecting the roles of PtdIns (4) P and PtdIns (4, 5) P2
N Jethwa, N Fili, B Larijani
Journal of chemical biology 5, 137-139, 2012
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