Tim Grice
Tim Grice
Sustainable Minerals Institute, University of Queensland
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Job uncertainty and personal control during downsizing: A comparison of survivors and victims
N Paulsen, VJ Callan, TA Grice, D Rooney, C Gallois, E Jones, ...
Human relations 58 (4), 463-496, 2005
Group-directed criticisms and recommendations for change: Why newcomers arouse more resistance than old-timers
MJ Hornsey, T Grice, J Jetten, N Paulsen, V Callan
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 33 (7), 1036-1048, 2007
Mass treatment with single-dose azithromycin for yaws
O Mitjà, W Houinei, P Moses, A Kapa, R Paru, R Hays, S Lukehart, ...
New England Journal of Medicine 372 (8), 703-710, 2015
Changes in social identities over time: The role of coping and adaptation processes
CE Amiot, DJ Terry, D Wirawan, TA Grice
British journal of social psychology 49 (4), 803-826, 2010
Restructuring the multi-professional organization: professional identity and adjustment to change in a public hospital
VJ Callan, C Gallois, MG Mayhew, TA Grice, M Tluchowska, R Boyce
Journal of health and human services administration 29 (4), 448-477, 2007
“We do it, but they don't”: Multiple categorizations and work team communication
TA Grice, C Gallois, E Jones, N Paulsen, VJ Callan
Journal of Applied Communication Research 34 (4), 331-348, 2006
Multiple Targets of Organizational Identification The Role of Identification Congruency.
T Grice, N Paulsen, L Jones
Journal of Articles in Support of the Null Hypothesis 1 (2), 2002
Extracting innovations: Mining, energy, and technological change in the digital age
MJ Clifford, RK Perrons, SH Ali, TA Grice
CRC Press, 2018
Promoting leadership in Australian universities
AP Bradley, T Grice, N Paulsen
TheAustralian Universities' Review 59 (1), 97-105, 2017
Protecting the planet or destroying the Universe? Understanding Reactions to Space Mining
MJ Hornsey, KS Fielding, EA Harris, PG Bain, T Grice, CM Chapman
Sustainability 14 (7), 4119, 2022
Preventing and countering violent extremism in Africa: The role of the mining sector
L Sharland, T Grice, S Zeiger
Australian Strategic Policy Institute, 2017
Local content policies in the mining sector: Stimulating direct local employment
T Grice
< bound method Organization. get_name_with_acronym of< Organization …, 2018
Workplace bullying: Issues, impacts and interventions
T Grice, M Sheehan, P McCarthy, M Barker, M Henderson
5th Australian Industrial and Organisational Psychology Conference, 2003
Preventing and countering violent extremism in Africa
L Sharland, T Grice, S Zeiger
Intergroup processes in intragroup contexts: The roles of group status, group identification and communication in diverse work teams
TA Grice
Australian Journal Of Psychology 57 (Supplement 2005), 110-110, 2005
Examining the theoretical and practical importance of the multiple targets view of organisational identification
T Grice
Griffith University, 2001
Mobile Money and Financial Inclusion in the Papua New Guinea Resource Regions
TA Grice, SH Ali
Extracting Innovations: Mining, Energy, and Technological Change in the …, 2018
A role for mining in protection from extremism
L Sharland, T Grice, S Zeiger
Australia's Paydirt 1 (256), 93, 2017
Mass treatment with single-dose azithromycin for yaws
O Mitjà Villar, W Houinei, P Moses, A Kapa, R Paru, R Hays, SA Lukehart, ...
The New England Journal of Medicine, 2015, vol. 372, num. 8, p. 703-710, 2015
Mobile Transparency? Financial inclusion, mobile money and Papua New Guinea’s resources sector.
T Grice
http://im4dc.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/Combined-Grice.pdf, 2015
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