Le Tan Phuc
Le Tan Phuc
Duy Tan University
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Level density and thermodynamics in the hot rotating nucleus
B Dey, D Pandit, S Bhattacharya, NQ Hung, ND Dang, LT Phuc, D Mondal, ...
Physical Review C 96 (5), 054326, 2017
A fully microscopic model of total level density in spherical nuclei
NQ Hung, ND Dang, LT Phuc, NN Anh, TD Xuan, TVN Hao
Physics Letters B 811, 135858, 2020
Bubble nuclei within the self-consistent Hartree-Fock mean field plus pairing approach
LT Phuc, NQ Hung, ND Dang
Physical Review C 97 (2), 024331, 2018
Proton entropy excess and possible signature of pairing reentrance in hot nuclei
B Dey, S Bhattacharya, D Pandit, ND Dang, NN Anh, LT Phuc, NQ Hung
Physics Letters B 819, 136445, 2021
Role of exact treatment of thermal pairing in radiative strength functions of nuclei
LT Phuc, NQ Hung, ND Dang, LTQ Huong, NN Anh, NN Duy, LN Uyen, ...
Physical Review C 102 (6), 061302, 2020
Maxwellian-averaged cross section of 181Ta (n, γ) reaction and its astrophysical implications
NN Le, S Cristallo, D Vescovi, LT Phuc, NQ Hung
Nuclear Physics A 1023, 122450, 2022
Level scheme of 164Dy obtained from 163Dy (nth, 2γ) experiment
NK Uyen, KY Chae, NN Duy, SM Cha, M Kwag, K Duhyun, LT Phuc, ...
Nuclear Physics A, 122136, 2021
Effective restoration of dipole sum rules within the renormalized random-phase approximation
NQ Hung, ND Dang, TVN Hao, LT Phuc
Physical Review C 94 (6), 064312, 2016
Possible syntheses of unknown superheavy 309,312 126 nuclei
NN Le, NQ Hung, TVN Hao, LT Phuc, ND Ly, KY Chae, NN Duy
Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 1-15, 2020
Renormalizing random-phase approximation by using exact pairing
LT Phuc, NQ Hung, ND Dang
Physical Review C 99 (6), 064322, 2019
Imprint of pairing correlation in (n, γ) and Maxwellian-averaged cross sections of an odd-odd 166Ho nucleus
LT Phuc, TV Dong, ND Dang, BM Hue, B Dey, NN Anh, NQ Hung
Physics Letters B 849, 138421, 2024
Pairing reentrance in odd nuclei at finite temperature
TV Dong, LT Phuc, NQ Hung, ND Dang, TD Huyen, NLA Tuan
Physical Review C 107 (6), 064319, 2023
Impact of nuclear level density and γ-ray strength function in (n, γ) and Maxwellian-averaged cross-section of 69Zn nucleus
E Senapati, S Mondal, S Bhattacharya, D Pandit, NN Anh, TV Dong, ...
Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics 51 (11), 115104, 2024
Possible existence of the pygmy dipole resonance built on excited states in the neutron-rich nucleus
LT Phuc, ND Dang, R Li, NQ Hung
Physical Review C 110 (6), 064323, 2024
Effect of exact thermal pairing on nuclear level density
LTQ Huong, NQ Hung, LT Phuc, NH Tung
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1034 (1), 012008, 2018
Microscopic description of average level spacing in even-even nuclei
LT Quynh Huong, N Quang Hung, L Tan Phuc
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 865 (1), 012011, 2017
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