James Sorensen
James Sorensen
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Emerging contaminants in urban groundwater sources in Africa
JPR Sorensen, DJ Lapworth, DCW Nkhuwa, ME Stuart, DC Gooddy, ...
Water research 72, 51-63, 2015
Observed controls on resilience of groundwater to climate variability in sub-Saharan Africa
MO Cuthbert, RG Taylor, G Favreau, MC Todd, M Shamsudduha, ...
Nature 572 (7768), 230-234, 2019
Changes in global groundwater organic carbon driven by climate change and urbanization
LK McDonough, IR Santos, MS Andersen, DM O’Carroll, H Rutlidge, ...
Nature Communications 11 (1), 1279, 2020
In-situ tryptophan-like fluorescence: a real-time indicator of faecal contamination in drinking water supplies
JPR Sorensen, DJ Lapworth, BP Marchant, DCW Nkhuwa, S Pedley, ...
Water Research 81, 38-46, 2015
Mapping groundwater recharge in Africa from ground observations and implications for water security
AM MacDonald, RM Lark, RG Taylor, T Abiye, HC Fallas, G Favreau, ...
Environmental Research Letters 16 (3), 034012, 2021
Online fluorescence spectroscopy for the real-time evaluation of the microbial quality of drinking water
JPR Sorensen, A Vivanco, MJ Ascott, DC Gooddy, DJ Lapworth, DS Read, ...
Water research 137, 301-309, 2018
In situ tryptophan-like fluorometers: assessing turbidity and temperature effects for freshwater applications
K Khamis, JPR Sorensen, C Bradley, DM Hannah, DJ Lapworth, ...
Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts 17 (4), 740-752, 2015
Real-time detection of faecally contaminated drinking water with tryptophan-like fluorescence: defining threshold values
JPR Sorensen, A Baker, SA Cumberland, DJ Lapworth, AM MacDonald, ...
Science of the Total Environment 622, 1250-1257, 2018
The El Niño event of 2015–2016: climate anomalies and their impact on groundwater resources in East and Southern Africa
SR Kolusu, M Shamsudduha, MC Todd, RG Taylor, D Seddon, ...
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 23 (3), 1751-1762, 2019
Are sanitation interventions a threat to drinking water supplies in rural India? An application of tryptophan-like fluorescence
JPR Sorensen, A Sadhu, G Sampath, S Sugden, SD Gupta, DJ Lapworth, ...
Water research 88, 923-932, 2016
Optimized arrays for 2-D resistivity survey lines with a large number of electrodes
MH Loke, PB Wilkinson, JE Chambers, SS Uhlemann, JPR Sorensen
Journal of Applied Geophysics 112, 136-146, 2015
Tracing enteric pathogen contamination in sub-Saharan African groundwater
JPR Sorensen, DJ Lapworth, DS Read, DCW Nkhuwa, RA Bell, ...
Science of the Total Environment 538, 888-895, 2015
Using boreholes as windows into groundwater ecosystems
JPR Sorensen, L Maurice, FK Edwards, DJ Lapworth, DS Read, D Allen, ...
PLoS One 8 (7), e70264, 2013
Derivation of lowland riparian wetland deposit architecture using geophysical image analysis and interface detection
JE Chambers, PB Wilkinson, S Uhlemann, JPR Sorensen, C Roberts, ...
Water Resources Research 50 (7), 5886-5905, 2014
Water Level Monitoring Pressure Transducers—A Need for Industry‐Wide Standards
JPR Sorensen, AS Butcher
Ground Water Monitoring & Remediation 31 (4), 56-62, 2011
Integrated time‐lapse geoelectrical imaging of wetland hydrological processes
SS Uhlemann, JPR Sorensen, AR House, PB Wilkinson, C Roberts, ...
Water Resources Research 52 (3), 1607-1625, 2016
Instream and riparian implications of weed cutting in a chalk river
GH Old, PS Naden, P Rameshwaran, MC Acreman, S Baker, FK Edwards, ...
Ecological Engineering 71, 290-300, 2014
Modelling groundwater/surface water interaction in a managed riparian chalk valley wetland
AR House, JR Thompson, JPR Sorensen, C Roberts, MC Acreman
Hydrological Processes 30 (3), 447-462, 2016
In-situ fluorescence spectroscopy indicates total bacterial abundance and dissolved organic carbon
JPR Sorensen, MT Diaw, A Pouye, R Roffo, DML Diongue, SC Faye, ...
Science of the Total Environment 738, 139419, 2020
Soil moisture data as a constraint for groundwater recharge estimation
SA Mathias, JPR Sorensen, AP Butler
Journal of Hydrology 552, 258-266, 2017
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