Fernando Valentim Bitencourt
Fernando Valentim Bitencourt
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Experiências de perda dentária em usuários adultos e idosos da Atenção Primária à Saúde
FV Bitencourt, HW Corrêa, RFC Toassi
Ciência & Saúde Coletiva 24 (1), 169-180, 2019
Mudanças curriculares na educação superior em Odontologia: inovações, resistências e avanços conquistados
JMS Lamers, A Baumgarten, FV Bitencourt, RFC Toassi
Revista da ABENO. São Paulo. Vol. 16, n. 4 (out./dez. 2016), p. 2-18, 2015
Co-occurrence of periodontitis and diabetes-related complications
FV Bitencourt, GG Nascimento, SA Costa, A Andersen, A Sandbæk, ...
Journal of dental research 102 (10), 1088-1097, 2023
Saúde bucal em usuários da atenção primária: análise qualitativa da autopercepção relacionada ao uso e necessidade de prótese dentária
HW Corrêa, FV Bitencourt, AV Nogueira, RFC Toassi
Physis: Revista de Saúde Coletiva 26, 503-524, 2016
Tooth loss experiences in adult and elderly users of Primary Health Care
FV Bitencourt, HW Corrêa, RFC Toassi
Ciencia & saúde coletiva 24, 169-180, 2019
The role of dyslipidemia in periodontitis
FV Bitencourt, GG Nascimento, SA Costa, SRP Orrico, CCC Ribeiro, ...
Nutrients 15 (2), 300, 2023
Prevalence of SARS‐CoV‐2 infection among oral health care workers worldwide: A meta‐analysis
FV Bitencourt, EN Lia, P Pauletto, CC Martins, CM Stefani, C Massignan, ...
Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology 51 (5), 718-728, 2023
Impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the oral health workforce: a multicenter study from the southern region of Brazil
CM Warmling, R Spin-Neto, LZ Palma, MF Silva-Junior, RG Castro, ...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 20 (2), 1301, 2023
Narratives about a stigma: attributing meaning to the early loss of deciduous teeth on children's caregivers
FV Bitencourt, JA Rodrigues, RFC Toassi
Brazilian Oral Research 35, e044, 2021
Minimizing patient morbidity after free gingival graft harvesting: a triple‐blind randomized‐controlled clinical trial
FV Bitencourt, S Cardoso De David, JS Schutz, A Otto Kirst Neto, F Visioli, ...
Clinical oral implants research 33 (6), 622-633, 2022
Impact of public health and higher education policies on the profile of final‐year Brazilian dental students: Challenges and future developments
FV Bitencourt, TO Olsson, JMS Lamers, FRM Leite, GG Nascimento, ...
European Journal of Dental Education 27 (3), 547-559, 2023
Periodontitis and diabetes complications: a Danish population-based study
FV Bitencourt, A Andersen, L Bjerg, A Sandbæk, H Li, GG Nascimento, ...
Journal of Dental Research 103 (9), 870-877, 2024
Tooth wear prevalence in individuals with Down syndrome: a systematic review
TI Vieira, YW Cavalcanti, SA de Sousa, BM Santiago, LB Oliveira, ...
Clinical Oral Investigations 27 (3), 943-953, 2023
Pesquisa qualitativa na saúde bucal coletiva: uma análise bibliométrica
GM Schaarschmidt, FV Bitencourt, A Baumgarten, JM de Souza, ...
Revista da Faculdade de Odontologia de Porto Alegre 59 (1), 42-51, 2018
Currículos integrados e as competências construídas por estudantes de odontologia da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
RFC Toassi, JM de Souza, F Bitencourt
Revista Iberoamericana de Educación 67 (1), 43-64, 2015
Accuracy of linear measurements for implant planning based on low-dose cone beam CT protocols: a systematic review and meta-analysis
ALE Carneiro, INR Reis, FV Bitencourt, DMRA Salgado, C Costa, ...
Dentomaxillofacial Radiology 53 (4), 207-221, 2024
How Brazilian oral health care workers face Covid-19: surveillance, biosafety, and education strategies
LZ Palma, FV Bitencourt, GR Velho, FS Pires, MH Baldani, CF Colussi, ...
Brazilian Journal of Oral Sciences 22, e237812, 2023
Curriculum changes in higher education in Dentistry: Innovations, resistance and obtained advances
JMS Lamers, A Baumgarten, FV Bitencourt, RFC Toassi
Revista da ABENO 16 (4), 02-18, 2016
Integrated curriculum and competencies developed by undergraduate students of dentistry of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul
RF Ceriotti Toassi, JM de Souza, F Bitencourt
Revista Iberoamericana de Educación 67 (1), 43-64, 2015
Prevalence of orofacial pain in individuals with mild cognitive impairment or dementia: A systematic review and meta‐analysis
AC Macedo, FV Bitencourt, AOV Faria, IH Bizzi, DFPÂ Durço, CB Azevedo, ...
Gerodontology 41 (3), 335-345, 2024
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