Tao Wang
Tao Wang
National Chung-Shan Institue of Science and Technology
在 ncsist.org.tw 的電子郵件地址已通過驗證
Micromachined CMOS LNA and VCO by CMOS-compatible ICP deep trench technology
T Wang, HC Chen, HW Chiu, YS Lin, GW Huang, SS Lu
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 54 (2), 580-588, 2006
3–10-GHz ultra-wideband low-noise amplifier utilizing miller effect and inductive shunt–shunt feedback technique
YT Lin, HC Chen, T Wang, YS Lin, SS Lu
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 55 (9), 1832-1843, 2007
A quantization noise suppression technique for $ DeltaSigma $ fractional-$ N $ frequency synthesizers
YC Yang, SA Yu, YH Liu, T Wang, SS Lu
IEEE journal of solid-state circuits 41 (11), 2500-2511, 2006
A 0.45-V Low-Power OOK/FSK RF Receiver in 0.18 CMOS Technology for Implantable Medical Applications
JY Hsieh, YC Huang, PH Kuo, T Wang, SS Lu
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers 63 (8), 1123-1130, 2016
A 5–6 GHz 1-V CMOS direct-conversion receiver with an integrated quadrature coupler
HC Chen, T Wang, SS Lu
IEEE journal of solid-state circuits 42 (9), 1963-1975, 2007
A release-on-demand wireless CMOS drug delivery SoC based on electrothermal activation technique
YJ Yang, YJ Huang, HH Liao, T Wang, PL Huang, CW Lin, YH Wang, ...
2009 IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference-Digest of Technical …, 2009
A millimeter-wave CMOS triple-band phase-locked loop with a multimode LC-based ILFD
HK Chen, T Wang, SS Lu
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 59 (5), 1327-1338, 2011
A micromachined CMOS distributed amplifier by CMOS compatible ICP deep-trench technology
T Wang, CH Chen, YS Lin, SS Lu
IEEE electron device letters 27 (4), 291-293, 2006
A 0.5 V 3.1 mW fully monolithic OOK receiver for wireless local area sensor network
YT Lin, T Wang, SS Lu, GW Huang
2005 IEEE Asian Solid-State Circuits Conference, 373-376, 2005
A controlled-release drug delivery system on a chip using electrolysis
PL Huang, PH Kuo, YJ Huang, HH Liao, YJJ Yang, T Wang, YH Wang, ...
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 59 (3), 1578-1587, 2012
A monolithic 5.9-GHz CMOS I/Q direct-down converter utilizing a quadrature coupler and transformer-coupled subharmonic mixers
HC Chen, T Wang, SS Lu, GW Huang
IEEE microwave and wireless components letters 16 (4), 197-199, 2006
An ultralow-loss and broadband micromachined RF inductor for RFIC input-matching applications
T Wang, YS Lin, SS Lu
IEEE Transactions on electron devices 53 (3), 568-570, 2006
A dual-mode truly modular programmable fractional divider based on a 1/1.5 divider cell
YC Yang, SA Yu, T Wang, SS Lu
IEEE microwave and wireless components letters 15 (11), 754-756, 2005
0.5-V 5.6-GHz CMOS receiver subsystem
HC Chen, T Wang, HW Chiu, TH Kao, SS Lu
IEEE transactions on microwave theory and techniques 57 (2), 329-335, 2009
A 2.1 to 6 GHz tunable-band LNA with adaptive frequency responses by transistor size scaling
YH Wang, KT Lin, T Wang, HW Chiu, HC Chen, SS Lu
IEEE microwave and wireless components letters 20 (6), 346-348, 2010
A 1.5-mW, 2.4 GHz quasi-circulator with high transmitter-to-receiver isolation in CMOS technology
JY Hsieh, T Wang, SS Lu
IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters 24 (12), 872-874, 2014
A Fully Integrated Concurrent Dual-Band Low Noise Amplifier with Suspended Inductors in SiGe 0.35 μm BiCMOS Technology,
TWSSL Y. -T. Lin
2007 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, 2007
A 90-nm CMOS V-band low-power image-reject receiver front-end with high-speed auto-wake-up and gain controls
JY Hsieh, T Wang, SS Lu
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 64 (2), 541-549, 2016
A hydrogel-based implantable wireless CMOS glucose sensor SoC
PH Kuo, SS Lu, JC Kuo, YJ Yang, T Wang, YL Ho, MF Chen
2012 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 994-997, 2012
Ultralow-loss and broadband micromachined transmission line inductors for 30–60 GHz CMOS RFIC applications
YS Lin, JF Chang, CC Chen, HB Liang, PL Huang, T Wang, GW Huang, ...
IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices 54 (9), 2512-2519, 2007
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