Filippo Santoni de Sio
Filippo Santoni de Sio
Professor of Ethics of Technology, Eindhoven University of Technology
在 tue.nl 的電子郵件地址已通過驗證
Digital twins in health care: ethical implications of an emerging engineering paradigm
K Bruynseels, F Santoni de Sio, J Van den Hoven
Frontiers in genetics 9, 31, 2018
Meaningful human control over autonomous systems: A philosophical account
F Santoni de Sio, J Van den Hoven
Frontiers in Robotics and AI 5, 323836, 2018
Four Responsibility Gaps with Artificial Intelligence: Why they Matter and How to Address them
F Santoni de Sio, G Mecacci
Philosophy & Technology, 1-28, 2021
Killing by Autonomous Vehicles and the Legal Doctrine of Necessity
F Santoni de Sio
Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 20 (2), 411-429, 2017
Meaningful human control as reason-responsiveness: the case of dual-mode vehicles
G Mecacci, F Santoni de Sio
Ethics and Information Technology, 1-13, 2019
When Should We Use Care Robots? The Nature-of-Activities Approach
F Santoni de Sio, A van Wynsberghe
Science and Engineering Ethics, 2015
Accountability and Control Over Autonomous Weapon Systems: A Framework for Comprehensive Human Oversight
I Verdiesen, F Santoni de Sio, V Dignum
Minds and Machines, 1-27, 2020
How cognitive enhancement can change our duties
F Santoni de Sio, N Faulmüller, NA Vincent
Frontiers in systems neuroscience 8, 2014
Ethics of connected and automated vehicles: Recommendations on road safety, privacy, fairness, explainability and responsibility
JF Bonnefon, D Černy, J Danaher, N Devillier, V Johansson, ...
European Commission, 2020
The indirect psychological costs of cognitive enhancement
N Faulmüller, H Maslen, F Santoni de Sio
The American Journal of Bioethics 13 (7), 45-47, 2013
Driving in the dark: designing autonomous vehicles for reducing light pollution
T Stone, F Santoni de Sio, PE Vermaas
Science and Engineering Ethics 26 (1), 387-403, 2020
Human behaviour with automated driving systems: a quantitative framework for meaningful human control
DD Heikoop, M Hagenzieker, G Mecacci, S Calvert, F Santoni De Sio, ...
Theoretical issues in ergonomics science 20 (6), 711-730, 2019
Four perspectives on what matters for the ethics of automated vehicles
G Keeling, K Evans, SM Thornton, G Mecacci, F Santoni de Sio
Automated Vehicles Symposium, 49-60, 2019
Gaps in the control of automated vehicles on roads
SC Calvert, G Mecacci, B van Arem, F Santoni de Sio, DD Heikoop, ...
IEEE intelligent transportation systems magazine, 2019
The European Commission report on ethics of connected and automated vehicles and the future of ethics of transportation
F Santoni de Sio
Ethics and Information Technology 23 (4), 713-726, 2021
Who Should Enhance? Conceptual and Normative Dimensions of Cognitive Enhancement
F Santoni de Sio, P Robichaud, NA Vincent
Humana.Mente: Journal of Philosophical Studies 26, 179-197, 2014
With cognitive enhancement comes great responsibility?
H Maslen, F Santoni de Sio, N Faber
Responsible Innovation 2, 121-138, 2015
Drones and Responsibility: Legal, Philosophical and Socio-Technical Perspectives on Remotely Controlled Weapons.
E Di Nucci, F Santoni de Sio
Routledge, 2016
The future of work: freedom, justice and capital in the age of artificial intelligence
F Santoni de Sio, T Almeida, J Van Den Hoven
Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 27 (5), 659-683, 2024
Towards common ethical and safe ‘behaviour’standards for automated vehicles
E Papadimitriou, H Farah, G van de Kaa, FS De Sio, M Hagenzieker, ...
Accident Analysis & Prevention 174, 106724, 2022
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