Jared R. Leadbetter
Jared R. Leadbetter
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Metagenomic and functional analysis of hindgut microbiota of a wood-feeding higher termite
F Warnecke, P Luginbühl, N Ivanova, M Ghassemian, TH Richardson, ...
Nature 450 (7169), 560, 2007
Microfluidic digital PCR enables multigene analysis of individual environmental bacteria
EA Ottesen, JW Hong, SR Quake, JR Leadbetter
science 314 (5804), 1464-1467, 2006
Acyl‐homoserine lactone acylase from Ralstonia strain XJ12B represents a novel and potent class of quorum‐quenching enzymes
YH Lin, JL Xu, J Hu, LH Wang, SL Ong, JR Leadbetter, LH Zhang
Molecular microbiology 47 (3), 849-860, 2003
Metabolism of Acyl-Homoserine Lactone Quorum-Sensing Signals by Variovorax paradoxus
JR Leadbetter, EP Greenberg
Journal of bacteriology 182 (24), 6921-6926, 2000
Utilization of Acyl-Homoserine Lactone Quorum Signals for Growth by a Soil Pseudomonad and Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1
JJ Huang, JI Han, LH Zhang, JR Leadbetter
Applied and environmental microbiology 69 (10), 5941-5949, 2003
Acetogenesis from H2 Plus CO2 by Spirochetes from Termite Guts
JR Leadbetter, TM Schmidt, JR Graber, JA Breznak
Science 283 (5402), 686-689, 1999
Physiological ecology of Methanobrevibacter cuticularis sp. nov. and Methanobrevibacter curvatus sp. nov., isolated from the hindgut of the termite Reticulitermes flavipes
JR Leadbetter, JA Breznak
Applied and Environmental Microbiology 62 (10), 3620-3631, 1996
Nitrogen fixation by symbiotic and free-living spirochetes
TG Lilburn, KS Kim, NE Ostrom, KR Byzek, JR Leadbetter, JA Breznak
Science 292 (5526), 2495-2498, 2001
Structural diversity of bacterial flagellar motors
S Chen, M Beeby, GE Murphy, JR Leadbetter, DR Hendrixson, A Briegel, ...
The EMBO journal 30 (14), 2972-2981, 2011
Microfluidic nucleic acid analysis
JW Hong, V Studer, WF Anderson, SR Quake, J Leadbetter
US Patent 8,871,446, 2014
Probing individual environmental bacteria for viruses by using microfluidic digital PCR
AD Tadmor, EA Ottesen, JR Leadbetter, R Phillips
Science 333 (6038), 58-62, 2011
Dual selection enhances the signaling specificity of a variant of the quorum-sensing transcriptional activator LuxR
CH Collins, JR Leadbetter, FH Arnold
Nature biotechnology 24 (6), 708-712, 2006
Mapping a multiplexed zoo of mRNA expression
HMT Choi, CR Calvert, N Husain, D Huss, JC Barsi, BE Deverman, ...
Development 143 (19), 3632-3637, 2016
Bacterial chemolithoautotrophy via manganese oxidation
H Yu, JR Leadbetter
Nature 583 (7816), 453-458, 2020
Complete Genome Sequence of the Metabolically Versatile Plant Growth-Promoting Endophyte Variovorax paradoxus S110
JI Han, HK Choi, SW Lee, PM Orwin, J Kim, SL LaRoe, T Kim, J O'Neil, ...
Journal of bacteriology 193 (5), 1183-1190, 2011
Identification of QuiP, the Product of Gene PA1032, as the Second Acyl-Homoserine Lactone Acylase of Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1
JJ Huang, A Petersen, M Whiteley, JR Leadbetter
Applied and environmental microbiology 72 (2), 1190-1197, 2006
In situ structure of the complete Treponema primitia flagellar motor
GE Murphy, JR Leadbetter, GJ Jensen
Nature 442 (7106), 1062-1064, 2006
Description of Treponema azotonutricium sp. nov. and Treponema primitia sp. nov., the First Spirochetes Isolated from Termite Guts
JR Graber, JR Leadbetter, JA Breznak
Applied and environmental microbiology 70 (3), 1315-1320, 2004
Directed evolution of Vibrio fischeri LuxR for increased sensitivity to a broad spectrum of acyl‐homoserine lactones
CH Collins, FH Arnold, JR Leadbetter
Molecular microbiology 55 (3), 712-723, 2005
Characterization of random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) products from Xanthomonas campestris and some comments on the use of RAPD products in phylogenetic analysis
JJ Smith, JS Scott-Craig, JR Leadbetter, GL Bush, DL Roberts, ...
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 3 (2), 135-145, 1994
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