Margit Höfler
Margit Höfler
在 donau-uni.ac.at 的電子郵件地址已通過驗證
Enhanced Automatic Question Creator--EAQC: Concept, Development and Evaluation of an Automatic Test Item Creation Tool to Foster Modern e-Education.
C Gutl, K Lankmayr, J Weinhofer, M Hofler
Electronic Journal of e-Learning 9 (1), 23-38, 2011
Cross-sectional study of prevalence of dementia, behavioural symptoms, mobility, pain and other health parameters in nursing homes in Austria and the Czech Republic: results …
SR Auer, M Höfler, E Linsmayer, A Beránková, D Prieschl, P Ratajczak, ...
BMC geriatrics 18, 1-13, 2018
Inhibition of return functions within but not across searches
M Höfler, ID Gilchrist, C Körner
Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics 73, 1385-1397, 2011
Neuronal interactions in areas of spatial attention reflect avoidance of disgust, but orienting to danger
U Zimmer, M Höfler, K Koschutnig, A Ischebeck
NeuroImage 134, 94-104, 2016
Assessment for complex learning resources: Development and validation of an integrated model
G Wesiak, ALS Mohammad, Hà Margit, C Gütl
International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET) 8 (2013), 2013
Enhancing wikis with visualization tools to support groups production function and to maintain task and social awareness
M Al-Smadi, M Höfler, C Guetl
Proc. ICBL, 16-21, 2011
Enhanced approach of automatic creation of test items to foster modern learning setting
C Gutl, K Lankmayr, J Weinhofer, M Hofler
Electronic Journal of e-Learning 9 (1), pp23‑38-pp23‑38, 2011
Cognitive status and use of analgesics and anxiolytics in residents of nursing homes in the Czech republic
I Holmerová, SR Auer, A Beránková, M Höfler, P Ratajczak, M Šteffl
Clinical interventions in aging, 2511-2515, 2018
Target processing in overt serial visual search involves the dorsal attention network: A fixation-based event-related fMRI study
A Ischebeck, H Hiebel, J Miller, M Höfler, ID Gilchrist, C Körner
Neuropsychologia 153 (107763), 10.1016, 2021
Target probability modulates fixation-related potentials in visual search
H Hiebel, A Ischebeck, C Brunner, AR Nikolaev, M Höfler, C Körner
Biological psychology 138, 199-210, 2018
Eye movements indicate the temporal organisation of information processing in graph comprehension
C Körner, M Höfler, B Tröbinger, ID Gilchrist
Applied Cognitive Psychology 28 (3), 360-373, 2014
Cost of care for persons with dementia: using a discrete-time Markov chain approach with administrative and clinical data from the dementia service Centres in Austria
A Braun, P Kurzmann, M Höfler, G Haber, S Auer
Health Economics Review 10, 1-9, 2020
Searching the same display twice: Properties of short-term memory in repeated search
M Höfler, ID Gilchrist, C Körner
Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics 76 (2), 335-352, 2014
Remote and rural dementia care: policy, research and practice
N McAdam, J Chiovitte, K Jacklin, G Naglie, A Hyde, M Rapoport, ...
Policy Press, 2020
Guidance toward and away from distractors in repeated visual search
M Höfler, ID Gilchrist, C Körner
Journal of Vision 15 (5), 12-12, 2015
Individual versus collaborative learning in a virtual world
P Pürcher, M Höfler, J Pirker, L Tomes, A Ischebeck, C Gütl
2016 39th International Convention on Information and Communication …, 2016
Integrated and enhanced e-assessment forms for learning: Scenarios from alice project
ALS Mohammad, M Höfler, C Guetl
2011 14th International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning …, 2011
Cost-effectiveness of prevention for people at risk for dementia: a scoping review and qualitative synthesis
A Braun, M Höfler, S Auer
The Journal of Prevention of Alzheimer's Disease 11 (2), 402-413, 2024
An integrated model for e-assessment of learning experiences enriched with complex learning resources
ALS Mohammad, M Hoefler, C Guetl
2011 Third International Conference on Intelligent Networking and …, 2011
Investigating content quality of automatically and manually generated questions to support self-directed learning
M Höfler, M AL-Smadi, C Gütl
CAA 2011 International Conference, University of Southampton, 2011
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