Penelope Sheets
Penelope Sheets
Senior Lecturer, University of Amsterdam
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Comparing digital divides: Internet access and social inequality in Canada and the United States
PN Howard, L Busch, P Sheets
Canadian Journal of communication 35 (1), 109-128, 2010
Media cues and citizen support for right-wing populist parties
P Sheets, L Bos, HG Boomgaarden
International Journal of Public Opinion Research 28 (3), 307-330, 2016
Virtual hype meets reality: Users’ perception of immersive journalism
SL Nielsen, P Sheets
Journalism 22 (10), 2637-2653, 2021
Some dared call it torture: Cultural resonance, Abu Ghraib, and a selectively echoing press
CM Rowling, TM Jones, P Sheets
Journal of Communication 61 (6), 1043-1061, 2011
Torture in the eye of the beholder: Social identity, news coverage, and Abu Ghraib
TM Jones, P Sheets
Political Communication 26 (3), 278-295, 2009
The role of implicit attitudes in populist radical‐right support
L Bos, P Sheets, HG Boomgaarden
Political Psychology 39 (1), 69-87, 2018
God and country: The partisan psychology of the presidency, religion, and nation
P Sheets, DS Domke, AG Greenwald
Political Psychology 32 (3), 459-484, 2011
Make no exception, save one: American exceptionalism, the American presidency, and the age of Obama
J Gilmore, P Sheets, C Rowling
Communication Monographs 83 (4), 505-520, 2016
Integrating Muslim immigrant minorities: the effects of narrative and statistical messages
M Wojcieszak, R Azrout, H Boomgaarden, AP Alencar, P Sheets
Communication Research 44 (4), 582-607, 2017
American atrocity revisited: National identity, cascading frames, and the My Lai massacre
CM Rowling, P Sheets, TM Jones
Political Communication 32 (2), 310-330, 2015
The impact of mediated party issue strategies on electoral support
L Bos, JM Lefevere, R Thijssen, P Sheets
Party Politics 23 (6), 760-771, 2017
The view from above (and below): A comparison of American, British, and Arab news coverage of US drones
P Sheets, CM Rowling, TM Jones
Media, War & Conflict 8 (3), 289-311, 2015
Frame contestation in the news: National identity, cultural resonance, and US drone policy
CM Rowling, P Sheets, TM Jones
International Journal of Communication 7, 23, 2013
America, America: National identity, presidential debates, and national mood
P Sheets, DS Domke, C Wells, CJ Lingle, A Ballantyne, F Al-Sumait, ...
Mass Communication and Society 14 (6), 765-786, 2011
Differential news framing of unmanned aerial drones: efficient and effective or illegal and inhumane?
T Jones, P Sheets, C Rowling
APSA 2011 Annual Meeting Paper, 2011
Us and them: The role of group identity in explaining cultural resonance and framing effects
P Sheets, CM Rowling, J Gilmore, N Melcher
Mass Communication and Society 26 (2), 252-274, 2023
Consensus at home, opposition abroad: Officials, foreign sources, and US news coverage of drone warfare
CM Rowling, P Sheets, W Pettit, J Gilmore
Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly 95 (4), 886-908, 2018
The rhetoric of American civil religion: Symbols, sinners, and saints
KM Coe, D Domke, T Hill, B Keeley-Jonker, JP Koch, AM Lahr, ...
Lexington Books, 2016
When threats come from within: National identity, cascading frames, and the US war in Afghanistan
CM Rowling, J Gilmore, P Sheets
The International Journal of Press/Politics 20 (4), 478-497, 2015
Make no exception, save one: American exceptionalism and its culmination in the age of Obama
J Gilmore, P Sheets, CM Rowling
Communication Monographs 83 (4), 505-520, 2016
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