Charles Menzie
Charles Menzie
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Exposure to carcinogenic PAHs in the environment
CA Menzie, BB Potocki, J Santodonato
Environmental science & technology 26 (7), 1278-1284, 1992
In-situ sorbent amendments: a new direction in contaminated sediment management
U Ghosh, RG Luthy, G Cornelissen, D Werner, CA Menzie
Environmental Science & Technology 45 (4), 1163-1168, 2011
Critical review of exposure and effects: implications for setting regulatory health criteria for ingested copper
AA Taylor, JS Tsuji, MR Garry, ME McArdle, WL Goodfellow, WJ Adams, ...
Environmental management 65, 131-159, 2020
A note on the Hynes method 1 of estimating secondary production
CA Menzie
Limnology and Oceanography 25 (4), 770-773, 1980
A causal analysis of observed declines in managed honey bees (Apis mellifera)
JP Staveley, SA Law, A Fairbrother, CA Menzie
Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: An International Journal 20 (2), 566-591, 2014
Oral Bioavailability, Bioaccessibility, and Dermal Absorption of PAHs from Soil State of the Science
MV Ruby, YW Lowney, AL Bunge, SM Roberts, JL Gomez-Eyles, U Ghosh, ...
Environmental science & technology 50 (5), 2151-2164, 2016
Ecological risk assessment in the context of global climate change
WG Landis, JL Durda, ML Brooks, PM Chapman, CA Menzie, RG Stahl Jr, ...
Environmental toxicology and chemistry 32 (1), 79-92, 2013
Activated carbon mitigates mercury and methylmercury bioavailability in contaminated sediments
CC Gilmour, GS Riedel, G Riedel, S Kwon, R Landis, SS Brown, ...
Environmental science & technology 47 (22), 13001-13010, 2013
Production ecology of Cricotopus sylvestris (Fabricius)(Diptera: Chironomidae) in a shallow estuarine cove
CA Menzie
Limnology and Oceanography 26 (3), 467-481, 1981
In situ sediment treatment using activated carbon: A demonstrated sediment cleanup technology
CR Patmont, U Ghosh, P LaRosa, CA Menzie, RG Luthy, MS Greenberg, ...
Integrated environmental assessment and management 11 (2), 195-207, 2014
Special report of the Massachusetts weight‐of‐evidence workgroup A weight‐of‐evidence approach for evaluating ecological risks
C Menzie, MH Henning, J Cura, K Finkelstein, J Gentile, J Maughan, ...
Human and Ecological Risk Assessment 2 (2), 277-304, 1996
Urban and suburban storm water runoff as a source of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) to Massachusetts estuarine and coastal environments
CA Menzie, SS Hoeppner, JJ Cura, JS Freshman, EN LaFrey
Estuaries 25 (2), 165-176, 2002
Potential significance of insects in the removal of contaminants from aquatic systems
CA Menzie
Water, Air, and Soil Pollution 13, 473-479, 1980
A phased approach for assessing combined effects from multiple stressors
CA Menzie, MM MacDonell, M Mumtaz
Environmental Health Perspectives 115 (5), 807-816, 2007
On‐site methods for assessing chemical impact on the soil environment using earthworms: A case study at the Baird and McGuire Superfund site, Holbrook, Massachusetts
CA Callahan, CA Menzie, DE Burmaster, DC Wilborn, T Ernst
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry: An International Journal 10 (6), 817-826, 1991
Passive sampling methods for contaminated sediments: Risk assessment and management
MS Greenberg, PM Chapman, IJ Allan, KA Anderson, SE Apitz, C Beegan, ...
Integrated environmental assessment and management 10 (2), 224-236, 2014
The importance of understanding the chemical form of a metal in the environment: the case of barium sulfate (barite)
CA Menzie, B Southworth, G Stephenson, N Feisthauer
Human and Ecological Risk Assessment 14 (5), 974-991, 2008
The chironomid (Insecta: Diptera) and other fauna of aMyriophylum spicatum L. plant bed in the lower Hudson River
CA Menzie
Estuaries 3 (1), 38-54, 1980
The environmental implications of offshore oil and gas activities
CA Menzie
Environmental Science & Technology 16 (8), 454A-472A, 1982
Two wildlife exposure models to assess impacts at the individual and population levels and the efficacy of remedial actions
JS Freshman, CA Menzie
Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: An International Journal 2 (3), 481-498, 1996
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