Kristina Ek
Isoelectric focusing in immobilized pH gradients: principle, methodology and some applications
B Bjellqvist, K Ek, PG Righetti, E Gianazza, A Görg, R Westermeier, ...
Journal of biochemical and biophysical methods 6 (4), 317-339, 1982
Public and private attitudes towards “green” electricity: the case of Swedish wind power
K Ek
Energy policy 33 (13), 1677-1689, 2005
The devil is in the details: Household electricity saving behavior and the role of information
K Ek, P Söderholm
Energy Policy 38 (3), 1578-1587, 2010
Toward more flood resilience: Is a diversification of flood risk management strategies the way forward?
DLT Hegger, PPJ Driessen, M Wiering, HFMW Van Rijswick, ...
Ecology and Society 21 (4), 2016
Wind power development in Sweden: Global policies and local obstacles
P Söderholm, K Ek, M Pettersson
Renewable and sustainable energy reviews 11 (3), 365-400, 2007
Norms and economic motivation in the Swedish green electricity market
K Ek, P Söderholm
Ecological Economics 68 (1-2), 169-182, 2008
Isoelectric points and molecular weights of proteins: A new table
PG Righetti, G Tudor, K Ek
Journal of Chromatography A 220 (2), 115-194, 1981
Wind farms—Where and how to place them? A choice experiment approach to measure consumer preferences for characteristics of wind farm establishments in Sweden
K Ek, L Persson
Ecological economics 105, 193-203, 2014
Analytical electrofocusing in thin layers of polyacrylamide gels
A Winter, K Ek, UB Andersson
LKB application note 250, 1977
Undergraduate nursing students' attitudes and preparedness toward caring for dying persons–a longitudinal study
I Henoch, C Melin-Johansson, I Bergh, S Strang, K Ek, K Hammarlund, ...
Nurse education in practice 26, 12-20, 2017
Technology learning in the presence of public R&D: the case of European wind power
K Ek, P Söderholm
Ecological Economics 69 (12), 2356-2362, 2010
Wind power planning and permitting: Comparative perspectives from the Nordic countries
M Pettersson, K Ek, K Söderholm, P Söderholm
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 14 (9), 3116-3123, 2010
Agarose isoelectric focusing of native human immunoglobulin M and α2-macroglobulin
A Rosén, K Ek, P Åman
Journal of Immunological Methods 28 (1-2), 1-11, 1979
Households' switching behavior between electricity suppliers in Sweden
K Ek, P Söderholm
Utilities Policy 16 (4), 254-261, 2008
In situ chemical stabilization of trace element-contaminated soil–Field demonstrations and barriers to transition from laboratory to the field–A review
J Kumpiene, J Antelo, E Brännvall, I Carabante, K Ek, M Komárek, ...
Applied Geochemistry 100, 335-351, 2019
The Swedish version of the Frommelt Attitude Toward Care of the Dying scale: aspects of validity and factors influencing nurses’ and nursing students’ attitudes
I Henoch, M Browall, C Melin-Johansson, E Danielson, C Udo, ...
Cancer nursing 37 (1), E1-E11, 2014
Preparative isoelectric focusing in immobilized pH gradients. I. General principles and methodology
K Ek, B Bjellqvist, PG Righetti
Journal of biochemical and biophysical methods 8 (2), 135-155, 1983
Polymerization kinetics of polyacrylamide gels containing immobilized pH gradients for isoelectric focusing
PG Righetti, K Ek, B Bjellqvist
Journal of Chromatography A 291, 31-42, 1984
Quantifying the environmental impacts of renewable energy: the case of Swedish wind power
K Ek
D. Pearce, Environmental valuation in Developed Countries: Case Studies …, 2006
Valuing the local impacts of a large scale wind power establishment in northern Sweden: public and private preferences toward economic, environmental and sociocultural values
K Ek, S Matti
Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 58 (8), 1327-1345, 2015
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