Ruth de Diego-Balaguer
Ruth de Diego-Balaguer
ICREA, Universitat de Barcelona
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Word learning is mediated by the left arcuate fasciculus
D López-Barroso, M Catani, P Ripollés, F Dell'Acqua, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (32), 13168-13173, 2013
Executive control in bilingual language processing
A Rodriguez‐Fornells, R De Diego Balaguer, TF Münte
Language learning 56, 133-190, 2006
Neurophysiological mechanisms involved in language learning in adults
A Rodríguez-Fornells, T Cunillera, A Mestres-Missé, R de Diego-Balaguer
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 364 …, 2009
Spontaneous synchronization to speech reveals neural mechanisms facilitating language learning
MF Assaneo, P Ripollés, J Orpella, WM Lin, R de Diego-Balaguer, ...
Nature neuroscience 22 (4), 627-632, 2019
Analysis of automated methods for spatial normalization of lesioned brains
P Ripollés, J Marco-Pallarés, R de Diego-Balaguer, J Miró, M Falip, ...
Neuroimage 60 (2), 1296-1306, 2012
Updating fearful memories with extinction training during reconsolidation: a human study using auditory aversive stimuli
JP Oyarzun, D Lopez-Barroso, L Fuentemilla, D Cucurell, C Pedraza, ...
PloS one 7 (6), e38849, 2012
Different neurophysiological mechanisms underlying word and rule extraction from speech
R de Diego Balaguer, JM Toro, A Rodriguez-Fornells, AC Bachoud-Levi
PLoS One 2 (11), e1175, 2007
First-and second-language phonological representations in the mental lexicon
N Sebastian-Gallés, A Rodríguez-Fornells, R de Diego-Balaguer, B Díaz
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 18 (8), 1277-1291, 2006
Regular and irregular morphology and its relationship with agrammatism: Evidence from two Spanish–Catalan bilinguals
BR de Diego, A Costa, N Sebastián-Galles, M Juncadella, A Caramazza
Brain and Language 91 (2), 212-222, 2004
Temporal attention as a scaffold for language development
R de Diego-Balaguer, A Martinez-Alvarez, F Pons
Frontiers in psychology 7, 44, 2016
Striatal degeneration impairs language learning: evidence from Huntington's disease
R De Diego-Balaguer, M Couette, G Dolbeau, A Dürr, K Youssov, ...
Brain 131 (11), 2870-2881, 2008
Morphological processing in early bilinguals: An ERP study of regular and irregular verb processing
RDD Balaguer, N Sebastián-Gallés, B Díaz, A Rodríguez-Fornells
Cognitive Brain Research 25 (1), 312-327, 2005
Language learning under working memory constraints correlates with microstructural differences in the ventral language pathway
D Lopez-Barroso, R de Diego-Balaguer, T Cunillera, E Camara, TF Münte, ...
Cerebral cortex 21 (12), 2742-2750, 2011
Neural circuits subserving the retrieval of stems and grammatical features in regular and irregular verbs
R de Diego Balaguer, A Rodríguez‐Fornells, M Rotte, J Bahlmann, ...
Human Brain Mapping 27 (11), 874-888, 2006
Morphological derivation overflow as a result of disruption of the left frontal aslant white matter tract
J Sierpowska, A Gabarrós, A Fernandez-Coello, À Camins, S Castañer, ...
Brain and Language 142, 54-64, 2015
A systematic linguistic profile of spontaneous narrative speech in pre-symptomatic and early stage Huntington's disease
W Hinzen, J Rosselló, C Morey, E Camara, C Garcia-Gorro, R Salvador, ...
Cortex 100, 71-83, 2018
Semantic congruence accelerates the onset of the neural signals of successful memory encoding
PA Packard, A Rodríguez-Fornells, N Bunzeck, B Nicolás, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 37 (2), 291-301, 2017
Electrical stimulation mapping of nouns and verbs in Broca’s area
V Havas, A Gabarrós, M Juncadella, X Rifa-Ros, G Plans, JJ Acebes, ...
Brain and Language 145, 53-63, 2015
Targeted memory reactivation during sleep adaptively promotes the strengthening or weakening of overlapping memories
JP Oyarzún, J Morís, D Luque, R de Diego-Balaguer, L Fuentemilla
Journal of Neuroscience 37 (32), 7748-7758, 2017
Semantic and phonological schema influence spoken word learning and overnight consolidation
V Havas, JSH Taylor, L Vaquero, R de Diego-Balaguer, ...
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 71 (6), 1469-1481, 2018
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