Stefan Sieber
Stefan Sieber
Prof. Dr. WG head Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin
在 zalf.de 的電子郵件地址已通過驗證 - 首頁
Can farmers’ adaptation to climate change be explained by socio-economic household-level variables?
TB Below, KD Mutabazi, D Kirschke, C Franke, S Sieber, R Siebert, ...
Global environmental change 22 (1), 223-235, 2012
Does research applying the DPSIR framework support decision making?
K Tscherning, K Helming, B Krippner, S Sieber, SG y Paloma
Land use policy 29 (1), 102-110, 2012
Micro-level practices to adapt to climate change for African small-scale farmers: A review of selected literature
T Below, A Artner, R Siebert, S Sieber
International Food Policy Research Institute, 2010
Environmental decision support systems (EDSS) development–Challenges and best practices
BS McIntosh, JC Ascough II, M Twery, J Chew, A Elmahdi, D Haase, ...
Environmental Modelling & Software 26 (12), 1389-1402, 2011
The “World Café” as a participatory method for collecting qualitative data
K Löhr, M Weinhardt, S Sieber
International journal of qualitative methods 19, 1609406920916976, 2020
Agricultural land use changes–a scenario-based sustainability impact assessment for Brandenburg, Germany
C Gutzler, K Helming, D Balla, R Dannowski, D Deumlich, M Glemnitz, ...
Ecological indicators 48, 505-517, 2015
Methods and tools for integrated assessment of land use policies on sustainable development in developing countries
P Reidsma, H König, S Feng, I Bezlepkina, I Nesheim, M Bonin, ...
Land Use Policy 28 (3), 604-617, 2011
Determinants for adoption of physical soil and water conservation measures by smallholder farmers in Ethiopia
M Sileshi, R Kadigi, K Mutabazi, S Sieber
International soil and water conservation research 7 (4), 354-361, 2019
Framework for participatory food security research in rural food value chains
F Graef, S Sieber, K Mutabazi, F Asch, HK Biesalski, J Bitegeko, ...
Global Food Security 3 (1), 8-15, 2014
Farmers’ knowledge and perception of climatic risks and options for climate change adaptation: a case study from two Tanzanian villages
TB Below, JC Schmid, S Sieber
Regional environmental change 15, 1169-1180, 2015
Ex ante impact assessment of policies affecting land use, part B: application of the analytical framework
K Helming, K Diehl, T Kuhlman, T Jansson, PH Verburg, M Bakker, ...
Ecology and Society 16 (1), 2011
Key factors influencing food security of smallholder farmers in Tanzania and the role of cassava as a strategic crop
K Reincke, E Vilvert, A Fasse, F Graef, S Sieber, MA Lana
Food security 10, 911-924, 2018
Ex ante impact assessment of land use changes in European regions—The SENSOR approach
K Helming, K Tscherning, B König, S Sieber, H Wiggering, T Kuhlman, ...
Sustainability impact assessment of land use changes, 77-105, 2008
Ex ante impact assessment of policies affecting land use, Part A: analytical framework
K Helming, K Diehl, H Bach, O Dilly, B König, T Kuhlman, M Pérez-Soba, ...
Ecology and Society 16 (1), 2011
Integrated modelling of the impacts of hydropower projects on the water-food-energy nexus in a transboundary Himalayan river basin
TS Amjath-Babu, B Sharma, R Brouwer, G Rasul, SM Wahid, N Neupane, ...
Applied energy 239, 494-503, 2019
Regional impact assessment of land use scenarios in developing countries using the FoPIA approach: Findings from five case studies
HJ König, S Uthes, J Schuler, L Zhen, S Purushothaman, U Suarma, ...
Journal of Environmental Management 127, S56-S64, 2013
Influence of livelihood resources on adaptive strategies to enhance climatic resilience of farm households in Morogoro, Tanzania: an indicator-based analysis
KD Mutabazi, TS Amjath-Babu, S Sieber
Regional environmental change 15 (7), 1259-1268, 2015
Factors influencing the adoption of agroforestry by smallholder farmer households in Tanzania: Case studies from Morogoro and Dodoma
S Jha, H Kaechele, S Sieber
Land use policy 103, 105308, 2021
Analysis of households’ vulnerability to food insecurity and its influencing factors in East Hararghe, Ethiopia
M Sileshi, R Kadigi, K Mutabazi, S Sieber
Journal of Economic Structures 8, 1-17, 2019
Integrated assessment of sustainability of agricultural systems and land use: Methods, tools and applications
I Bezlepkina, P Reidsma, S Sieber, K Helming
Agricultural Systems 104 (2), 105-109, 2011
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