Sarah Diefenbach
Sarah Diefenbach
在 lmu.de 的電子郵件地址已通過驗證
Needs, affect, and interactive products–Facets of user experience
M Hassenzahl, S Diefenbach, A Göritz
Interacting with computers 22 (5), 353-362, 2010
Corporate digital responsibility
L Lobschat, B Mueller, F Eggers, L Brandimarte, S Diefenbach, ...
Journal of Business Research 122, 875-888, 2021
Designing moments of meaning and pleasure – Experience Design
M Hassenzahl, K Eckoldt, S Diefenbach, M Laschke, E Lenz
International Journal of Design 7 (3), 21-31, 2013
All you need is love: Current strategies of mediating intimate relationships through technology
M Hassenzahl, S Heidecker, K Eckoldt, S Diefenbach, U Hillmann
ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (TOCHI) 19 (4), 1-19, 2012
Experience-oriented and product-oriented evaluation: psychological need fulfillment, positive affect, and product perception
M Hassenzahl, A Wiklund-Engblom, A Bengs, S Hägglund, S Diefenbach
International journal of human-computer interaction 31 (8), 530-544, 2015
The 'Hedonic' in Human-Computer Interaction – History, Contributions, and Future Research Directions.
S Diefenbach, N Kolb, M Hassenzahl
DIS 2014 Conference on Designing Interactive System, 305-314, 2014
The selfie paradox: Nobody seems to like them yet everyone has reasons to take them. An exploration of psychological functions of selfies in self-presentation
S Diefenbach, L Christoforakos
Frontiers in psychology 8, 7, 2017
The dilemma of the hedonic–Appreciated, but hard to justify
S Diefenbach, M Hassenzahl
Interacting with Computers 23 (5), 461-472, 2011
Towards homo digitalis: important research issues for psychology and the neurosciences at the dawn of the internet of things and the digital society
C Montag, S Diefenbach
Sustainability 10 (2), 415, 2018
Unintended side effects of the digital transition: European scientists’ messages from a proposition-based expert round table
RW Scholz, EJ Bartelsman, S Diefenbach, L Franke, A Grunwald, ...
Sustainability 10 (6), 2001, 2018
Counterproductive effects of gamification: An analysis on the example of the gamified task manager Habitica
S Diefenbach, A Müssig
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 127, 190-210, 2019
Can robots earn our trust the same way humans do? A systematic exploration of competence, warmth, and anthropomorphism as determinants of trust development in HRI
L Christoforakos, A Gallucci, T Surmava-Große, D Ullrich, S Diefenbach
Frontiers in Robotics and AI 8, 640444, 2021
Psychologie in der nutzerzentrierten Produktgestaltung
S Diefenbach, M Hassenzahl
Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2017
INTUI. Exploring the Facets of Intuitive Interaction.
D Ullrich, S Diefenbach
MuC, 251-260, 2010
The" Beauty Dilemma" beauty is valued but discounted in product choice
S Diefenbach, M Hassenzahl
Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on human factors in computing systems …, 2009
Designing with image schemas: resolving the tension between innovation, inclusion and intuitive use
J Hurtienne, K Klöckner, S Diefenbach, C Nass, A Maier
Interacting with Computers 27 (3), 235-255, 2015
Exploring relationships between interaction attributes and experience
E Lenz, S Diefenbach, M Hassenzahl
Proceedings of the 6th international conference on designing pleasurable …, 2013
Aesthetics of interaction: a literature synthesis
E Lenz, S Diefenbach, M Hassenzahl
Proceedings of the 8th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction: Fun …, 2014
An interaction vocabulary. describing the how of interaction.
S Diefenbach, E Lenz, M Hassenzahl
CHI'13 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 607-612, 2013
With a little help from a friend: a shower calendar to save water
M Laschke, M Hassenzahl, S Diefenbach, M Tippkämper
CHI'11 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 633-646, 2011
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