Ohbyung Kwon
Ohbyung Kwon
在 khu.ac.kr 的電子郵件地址已通過驗證 - 首頁
An empirical study of the factors affecting social network service use
O Kwon, Y Wen
Computers in human behavior 26 (2), 254-263, 2010
Data quality management, data usage experience and acquisition intention of big data analytics
O Kwon, N Lee, B Shin
International journal of information management 34 (3), 387-394, 2014
Technology acceptance theories and factors influencing artificial Intelligence-based intelligent products
K Sohn, O Kwon
Telematics and Informatics 47, 101324, 2020
Intimacy, familiarity and continuance intention: An extended expectation–confirmation model in web-based services
Y Lee, O Kwon
Electronic Commerce research and applications 10 (3), 342-357, 2011
Investigating the value of sociomaterialism in conceptualizing IT capability of a firm
G Kim, B Shin, O Kwon
Journal of Management Information Systems 29 (3), 327-362, 2012
Effects of data set features on the performances of classification algorithms
O Kwon, JM Sim
Expert Systems with Applications 40 (5), 1847-1857, 2013
Consumer engagement via interactive artificial intelligence and mixed reality
EC Sung, S Bae, DID Han, O Kwon
International journal of information management 60, 102382, 2021
User acceptance of context-aware services: self-efficacy, user innovativeness and perceived sensitivity on contextual pressure
O Kwon, K Choi, M Kim
Behaviour & Information Technology 26 (6), 483-498, 2007
MACE-SCM: A multi-agent and case-based reasoning collaboration mechanism for supply chain management under supply and demand uncertainties
O Kwon, GP Im, KC Lee
Expert systems with applications 33 (3), 690-705, 2007
The influence of mixed reality on satisfaction and brand loyalty in cultural heritage attractions: A brand equity perspective
S Bae, TH Jung, N Moorhouse, M Suh, O Kwon
Sustainability 12 (7), 2956, 2020
Applying case-based reasoning and multi-agent intelligent system to context-aware comparative shopping
OB Kwon, N Sadeh
Decision Support Systems 37 (2), 199-213, 2004
Ambient intelligence: The mycampus experience
N Sadeh, F Gandon, OB Kwon
Ambient Intelligence and Pervasive Computing, 2006
UbiDSS: a proactive intelligent decision support system as an expert system deploying ubiquitous computing technologies
O Kwon, K Yoo, E Suh
Expert systems with applications 28 (1), 149-161, 2005
NFT luxury brand marketing in the metaverse: Leveraging blockchain‐certified NFTs to drive consumer behavior
E Sung, O Kwon, K Sohn
Psychology & Marketing 40 (11), 2306-2325, 2023
Artificial intelligence in the fashion industry: consumer responses to generative adversarial network (GAN) technology
K Sohn, CE Sung, G Koo, O Kwon
International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management 49 (1), 61-80, 2020
The influence of politeness behavior on user compliance with social robots in a healthcare service setting
N Lee, J Kim, E Kim, O Kwon
International Journal of Social Robotics 9, 727-743, 2017
Impact of website information design factors on consumer ratings of web-based auction sites
OB Kwon, CR Kim, EJ Lee
Behaviour & information technology 21 (6), 387-402, 2002
Meta web service: building web-based open decision support system based on web services
OB Kwon
Expert Systems with Applications 24 (4), 375-389, 2003
NAMA: A context-aware multi-agent based web service approach to proactive need identification for personalized reminder systems
O Kwon, S Choi, G Park
Expert Systems with Applications 29 (1), 17-32, 2005
Strategic Planning Simulation Based on Fuzzy Cognitive Map Knowledge and Dif ferential Game
KC Lee, WJ Lee, OB Kwon, JH Han, PI Yu
Simulation 71 (5), 316-327, 1998
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