Amy Hardy
Amy Hardy
Senior Lecturer in Clinical Psychology, IoPPN, King's College London
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Trauma and hallucinatory experience in psychosis
A Hardy, D Fowler, D Freeman, B Smith, C Steel, J Evans, P Garety, ...
The Journal of nervous and mental disease 193 (8), 501-507, 2005
The association between traumatic experience, paranoia and hallucinations: a test of the predictions of psychological models
A Gracie, D Freeman, S Green, PA Garety, E Kuipers, A Hardy, K Ray, ...
Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica 116 (4), 280-289, 2007
Pathways from trauma to psychotic experiences: A theoretically informed model of posttraumatic stress in psychosis
A Hardy
Frontiers in psychology 8, 697, 2017
Psychological mechanisms mediating effects between trauma and psychotic symptoms: the role of affect regulation, intrusive trauma memory, beliefs, and depression
A Hardy, R Emsley, D Freeman, P Bebbington, PA Garety, EE Kuipers, ...
Schizophrenia bulletin 42 (suppl_1), S34-S43, 2016
Influence of carer expressed emotion and affect on relapse in non-affective psychosis
E Kuipers, P Bebbington, G Dunn, D Fowler, D Freeman, P Watson, ...
The British Journal of Psychiatry 188 (2), 173-179, 2006
Cognitive mechanisms of change in delusions: an experimental investigation targeting reasoning to effect change in paranoia
P Garety, H Waller, R Emsley, S Jolley, E Kuipers, P Bebbington, G Dunn, ...
Schizophrenia bulletin 41 (2), 400-410, 2015
Relationship between attachment style and symptom severity across the psychosis spectrum: A meta-analysis
SC Carr, A Hardy, M Fornells-Ambrojo
Clinical Psychology Review 59, 145-158, 2018
The stress of the street for patients with persecutory delusions: a test of the symptomatic and psychological effects of going outside into a busy urban area
D Freeman, R Emsley, G Dunn, D Fowler, P Bebbington, E Kuipers, ...
Schizophrenia bulletin 41 (4), 971-979, 2015
Thinking Well: A randomised controlled feasibility study of a new CBT therapy targeting reasoning biases in people with distressing persecutory delusional beliefs
H Waller, R Emsley, D Freeman, P Bebbington, G Dunn, D Fowler, ...
Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry 48, 82-89, 2015
Discrepant illness perceptions, affect and expressed emotion in people with psychosis and their carers
E Kuipers, P Watson, J Onwumere, P Bebbington, G Dunn, J Weinman, ...
Social psychiatry and psychiatric epidemiology 42, 277-283, 2007
Cognitive–behaviour therapy for post-traumatic stress in schizophrenia. A randomized controlled trial
C Steel, A Hardy, B Smith, T Wykes, S Rose, S Enright, M Hardcastle, ...
Psychological Medicine 47 (1), 43-51, 2017
Effects of SlowMo, a blended digital therapy targeting reasoning, on paranoia among people with psychosis: a randomized clinical trial
P Garety, T Ward, R Emsley, K Greenwood, D Freeman, D Fowler, ...
JAMA psychiatry 78 (7), 714-725, 2021
The catastrophic interaction hypothesis: how do stress, trauma, emotion and information processing abnormalities lead to psychosis?
D Fowler, D Freeman, C Steel, A Hardy
Trauma and psychosis, 113-136, 2007
How inclusive, user-centered design research can improve psychological therapies for psychosis: development of SlowMo
A Hardy, A Wojdecka, J West, ED Matthews, C Golby, T Ward, ND Lopez, ...
JMIR mental health 5 (4), e11222, 2018
The Trauma and Life Events (TALE) checklist: development of a tool for improving routine screening in people with psychosis
S Carr, A Hardy, M Fornells-Ambrojo
European journal of psychotraumatology 9 (1), 1512265, 2018
SlowMo, a digital therapy targeting reasoning in paranoia, versus treatment as usual in the treatment of people who fear harm from others: study protocol for a randomised …
PA Garety, T Ward, D Freeman, D Fowler, R Emsley, G Dunn, E Kuipers, ...
Trials 18, 1-13, 2017
Does trauma memory play a role in the experience of reporting sexual assault during police interviews? An exploratory study
A Hardy, K Young, EA Holmes
Memory 17 (8), 783-788, 2009
A network analysis of post-traumatic stress and psychosis symptoms
A Hardy, C O'Driscoll, C Steel, M Van Der Gaag, D Van Den Berg
Psychological Medicine 51 (14), 2485-2492, 2021
The relationship between depressive symptoms and negative symptoms in people with non-affective psychosis: a meta-analysis
CJ Edwards, P Garety, A Hardy
Psychological medicine 49 (15), 2486-2498, 2019
Psychological characteristics of religious delusions
R Iyassu, S Jolley, P Bebbington, G Dunn, R Emsley, D Freeman, ...
Social psychiatry and psychiatric epidemiology 49, 1051-1061, 2014
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