Professore Associato Medicina Interna - Universita' di Ferrara, Italia
在 unife.it 的電子郵件地址已通過驗證
Autosomal recessive hypercholesterolemia caused by mutations in a putative LDL receptor adaptor protein
CK Garcia, K Wilund, M Arca, G Zuliani, R Fellin, M Maioli, S Calandra, ...
Science 292 (5520), 1394-1398, 2001
Predictive value of the Short Physical Performance Battery following hospitalization in older patients
S Volpato, M Cavalieri, F Sioulis, G Guerra, C Maraldi, G Zuliani, R Fellin, ...
Journals of gerontology series a: biomedical sciences and medical sciences …, 2011
Diabetic patients with COVID-19 infection are at higher risk of ICU admission and poor short-term outcome
L Roncon, M Zuin, G Rigatelli, G Zuliani
Journal of Clinical Virology 127, 104354, 2020
Executive function correlates with walking speed in older persons: the InCHIANTI study
A Ble, S Volpato, G Zuliani, JM Guralnik, S Bandinelli, F Lauretani, ...
Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 53 (3), 410-415, 2005
Effect of Native and Oxidized Low-Density Lipoprotein on Endothelial Nitric Oxide and Superoxide Production: Key Role of l-Arginine Availability
L Vergnani, S Hatrik, F Ricci, A Passaro, N Manzoli, G Zuliani, ...
Circulation 101 (11), 1261-1266, 2000
Prevalence and clinical correlates of sarcopenia in community-dwelling older people: application of the EWGSOP definition and diagnostic algorithm
S Volpato, L Bianchi, A Cherubini, F Landi, M Maggio, E Savino, ...
Journals of Gerontology Series A: Biomedical Sciences and Medical Sciences …, 2014
Role of muscle mass and muscle quality in the association between diabetes and gait speed
S Volpato, L Bianchi, F Lauretani, F Lauretani, S Bandinelli, JM Guralnik, ...
Diabetes care 35 (8), 1672-1679, 2012
Reviews of evidence regarding interventions to reduce tobacco use and exposure to environmental tobacco smoke
DP Hopkins, PA Briss, CJ Ricard, CG Husten, VG Carande-Kulis, ...
American journal of preventive medicine 20 (2), 16-66, 2001
Plasma cytokines profile in older subjects with late onset Alzheimer’s disease or vascular dementia
G Zuliani, M Ranzini, G Guerra, L Rossi, MR Munari, A Zurlo, S Volpato, ...
Journal of psychiatric research 41 (8), 686-693, 2007
The predictive value of the EWGSOP definition of sarcopenia: results from the InCHIANTI study
L Bianchi, L Ferrucci, A Cherubini, M Maggio, S Bandinelli, E Savino, ...
Journals of Gerontology Series A: Biomedical Sciences and Medical Sciences …, 2016
Arterial hypertension and risk of death in patients with COVID-19 infection: systematic review and meta-analysis
M Zuin, G Rigatelli, G Zuliani, A Rigatelli, A Mazza, L Roncon
The Journal of infection 81 (1), e84, 2020
Inverse relationship between body mass index and mortality in older nursing home residents: a meta‐analysis of 19,538 elderly subjects
N Veronese, E Cereda, M Solmi, SA Fowler, E Manzato, S Maggi, P Manu, ...
Obesity Reviews 16 (11), 1001-1015, 2015
Association between gait speed with mortality, cardiovascular disease and cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies
N Veronese, B Stubbs, S Volpato, G Zuliani, S Maggi, M Cesari, ...
Journal of the American Medical Directors Association 19 (11), 981-988. e7, 2018
Role of anti-oxidants in atherosclerosis: epidemiological and clinical update
A Cherubini, GB Vigna, G Zuliani, C Ruggiero, U Senin, R Fellin
Current pharmaceutical design 11 (16), 2017-2032, 2005
Autosomal recessive hypercholesterolaemia in Sardinia, Italy, and mutations in ARH: a clinical and molecular genetic analysis
M Arca, G Zuliani, K Wilund, F Campagna, R Fellin, S Bertolini, ...
The Lancet 359 (9309), 841-847, 2002
Copper/zinc ratio and systemic oxidant load: effect of aging and aging-related degenerative diseases
A Mezzetti, SD Pierdomenico, F Costantini, F Romano, D De Cesare, ...
Free Radical Biology and Medicine 25 (6), 676-681, 1998
Characteristics of nondisabled older patients developing new disability associated with medical illnesses and hospitalization
S Volpato, G Onder, M Cavalieri, G Guerra, F Sioulis, C Maraldi, G Zuliani, ...
Journal of general internal medicine 22, 668-674, 2007
Markers of endothelial dysfunction in older subjects with late onset Alzheimer's disease or vascular dementia
G Zuliani, M Cavalieri, M Galvani, A Passaro, MR Munari, C Bosi, A Zurlo, ...
Journal of the neurological sciences 272 (1-2), 164-170, 2008
Anaemia increases the risk of dementia in cognitively intact elderly
AR Atti, K Palmer, S Volpato, G Zuliani, B Winblad, L Fratiglioni
Neurobiology of aging 27 (2), 278-284, 2006
Incidence of acute pulmonary embolism in COVID-19 patients: Systematic review and meta-analysis.
L Roncon, M Zuin, S Barco, L Valerio, G Zuliani, P Zonzin, ...
European journal of internal medicine 82, 29-37, 2020
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