Susan Mniszewski
Susan Mniszewski
在 lanl.gov 的電子郵件地址已通過驗證
Graph Partitioning using Quantum Annealing on the D-Wave System
H Ushijima-Mwesigwa, CFA Negre, SM Mniszewski
Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Post Moores Era …, 2017
Quantum algorithm implementations for beginners
J Abhijith, A Adedoyin, J Ambrosiano, P Anisimov, W Casper, ...
ACM Transactions on Quantum Computing 3 (4), 1-92, 2022
Spatial dynamics of pandemic influenza in a massive artificial society
P Stroud, S Del Valle, S Sydoriak, J Riese, S Mniszewski
Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation 10 (4), 9, 2007
Method for encryption and transmission of digital keying data
SM Mniszewski, EA Springer, DP Brenner
US Patent 4,731,840, 1988
Real-world hydrologic assessment of a fully-distributed hydrological model in a parallel computing environment
ER Vivoni, G Mascaro, S Mniszewski, P Fasel, EP Springer, VY Ivanov, ...
Journal of Hydrology 409 (1), 483-496, 2011
Exascale applications: skin in the game
F Alexander, A Almgren, J Bell, A Bhattacharjee, J Chen, P Colella, ...
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A 378 (2166), 20190056, 2020
The gene ontology categorizer
CA Joslyn, SM Mniszewski, A Fulmer, G Heaton
Bioinformatics 20 (suppl_1), i169-i177, 2004
A categorization approach to automated ontological function annotation
K Verspoor, J Cohn, S Mniszewski, C Joslyn
Protein Science 15 (6), 1544-1549, 2006
Detecting multiple communities using quantum annealing on the D-Wave system
CFA Negre, H Ushijima-Mwesigwa, SM Mniszewski
PloS one 15 (2), e0227538, 2020
EpiSimS simulation of a multi-component strategy for pandemic influenza
SM Mniszewski, SY Del Valle, PD Stroud, JM Riese, SJ Sydoriak
Proceedings of the 2008 Spring simulation multiconference, 556-563, 2008
A Hybrid Approach for Solving Optimization Problems on Small Quantum Computers
R Shaydulin, H Ushijima-Mwesigwa, CFA Negre, I Safro, SM Mniszewski, ...
Computer 52 (6), 18-26, 2019
Efficient coupling of parallel applications using PAWS
PH Beckman, PK Fasel, WE Humphrey, SM Mniszewski
Proceedings. The Seventh International Symposium on High Performance …, 1998
Revisiting wavelet compression for large-scale climate data using JPEG 2000 and ensuring data precision
J Woodring, S Mniszewski, C Brislawn, D DeMarle, J Ahrens
2011 IEEE Symposium on Large Data Analysis and Visualization, 31-38, 2011
Semi-empirical power-law scaling of new infection rate to model epidemic dynamics with inhomogeneous mixing
PD Stroud, SJ Sydoriak, JM Riese, JP Smith, SM Mniszewski, PR Romero
Mathematical biosciences 203 (2), 301-318, 2006
Multilevel Combinatorial Optimization across Quantum Architectures
H Ushijima-Mwesigwa, R Shaydulin, CFA Negre, SM Mniszewski, ...
ACM Transactions on Quantum Computing 2 (1), 1-29, 2021
Network community detection on small quantum computers
R Shaydulin, H Ushijima‐Mwesigwa, I Safro, S Mniszewski, Y Alexeev
Advanced Quantum Technologies 2 (9), 1900029, 2019
PAWS: Collective interactions and data transfers
K Keahey, P Fasel, S Mniszewski
Proceedings 10th IEEE International Symposium on High Performance …, 2001
A review of non-cognitive applications for neuromorphic computing
JB Aimone, P Date, GA Fonseca-Guerra, KE Hamilton, K Henke, B Kay, ...
Neuromorphic Computing and Engineering 2 (3), 032003, 2022
Variational quantum eigensolver with reduced circuit complexity
Y Zhang, L Cincio, CFA Negre, P Czarnik, PJ Coles, PM Anisimov, ...
npj Quantum Information 8 (1), 1-10, 2022
Modeling the impact of behavior changes on the spread of pandemic influenza
SYD Valle, SM Mniszewski, JM Hyman
Modeling the interplay between human behavior and the spread of infectious …, 2013
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