Namjin Lee
Namjin Lee
Associate Professor of Communication, College of Charleston
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Campaign ads, online messaging, and participation: Extending the communication mediation model
DV Shah, J Cho, S Nah, MR Gotlieb, H Hwang, NJ Lee, RM Scholl, ...
Journal of communication 57 (4), 676-703, 2007
Processes of political socialization: A communication mediation approach to youth civic engagement
NJ Lee, DV Shah, JM McLeod
Communication Research 40 (5), 669-697, 2013
Digital media literacy education and online civic and political participation
J Kahne, NJ Lee, JT Feezell
International journal of communication 6, 24, 2012
The civic and political significance of online participatory cultures among youth transitioning to adulthood
J Kahne, NJ Lee, JT Feezell
Journal of Information Technology & Politics 10 (1), 1-20, 2013
Different pedagogy, different politics: High school learning opportunities and youth political engagement
J Kahne, D Crow, NJ Lee
Political Psychology 34 (3), 419-441, 2013
Communication competence as a foundation for civic competence: Processes of socialization into citizenship
DV Shah, JM McLeod, N Lee
Political Communication 26 (1), 102-117, 2009
Framing policy debates: Issue dualism, journalistic frames, and opinions on controversial policy issues
NJ Lee, DM McLeod, DV Shah
Communication Research 35 (5), 695-718, 2008
Youth online activity and exposure to diverse perspectives
J Kahne, E Middaugh, NJ Lee, JT Feezell
New media & society 14 (3), 492-512, 2012
Framing and agenda setting
DV Shah, DM McLeod, MR Gotlieb, NJ Lee
The Sage handbook of media processes and effects, 83-98, 2009
Examining overconsumption, competitive consumption, and conscious consumption from 1994 to 2004: disentangling cohort and period effects
DJ Carr, MR Gotlieb, NJ Lee, DV Shah
The annals of the American academy of political and social science 644 (1 …, 2012
Dietetic guidelines on food and nutrition in the secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease–evidence from systematic reviews of randomized controlled trials (second update …
A Mead, G Atkinson, D Albin, D Alphey, S Baic, O Boyd, L Cadigan, ...
Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics 19 (6), 401-419, 2006
Communication and education: Creating competence for socialization into public life.
J McLEOD, D Shah, D Hess, NJ Lee
John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2010
Capital, consumption, communication, and citizenship: The social positioning of taste and civic culture in the United States
L Friedland, DV Shah, NJ Lee, MA Rademacher, L Atkinson, T Hove
The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 611 (1 …, 2007
Social networks, public discussion and civic engagement: A socialization perspective
JM McLeod, NJ Lee
The Sage handbook of political communication, 197-208, 2012
Comparative research designs: Toward a multilevel approach
JM McLeod, NJ Lee
The handbook of comparative communication research, 430-444, 2013
Communication mediation model
NJ Lee
The international encyclopedia of media effects, 1-9, 2017
Civic norms and communication competence
DV Shah, K Thorson, C Wells, NJ Lee, J McLeod
The Oxford handbook of political communication, 467, 2017
Gender and generation in the social positioning of taste
NJ Lee, CL Garlough, LA Friedland, DV Shah
The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 644 (1 …, 2012
LA Friedland, D Shah, N Lee, MA Rademacher, L Atkinson, T Hove
Consumption, Communication, and Citizenship: The Social Positioning of Taste …, 2007
Digital media literacy education and online civic and political participation
N Lee
MacArthur Research Network on Youth and Participatory Politics, 2011
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