John Gardner
A study of the antecedents and consequences of psychological ownership in organizational settings
MG Mayhew, NM Ashkanasy, T Bramble, J Gardner
The Journal of social psychology 147 (5), 477-500, 2007
Organizational communication: Challenges for the new century
E Jones, B Watson, J Gardner, C Gallois
Journal of Communication 54 (4), 722-750, 2004
A comparison of socially responsible and conventional investors
J McLachlan, J Gardner
Journal of Business Ethics 52, 11-25, 2004
An experimental test of voluntary strategies to promote urban water demand management
KS Fielding, A Spinks, S Russell, R McCrea, R Stewart, J Gardner
Journal of environmental management 114, 343-351, 2013
Food wedges: framing the global food demand and supply challenge towards 2050
BA Keating, M Herrero, PS Carberry, J Gardner, MB Cole
Global Food Security 3 (3-4), 125-132, 2014
Personality, motivation and video games
D Johnson, J Gardner
Proceedings of the 22nd Conference of the Computer-Human Interaction Special …, 2010
Combining choice modelling and multi-criteria analysis for technology diffusion: An application to the uptake of electric vehicles
A Higgins, P Paevere, J Gardner, G Quezada
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 79 (8), 1399-1412, 2012
Personality & video game genre preferences
N Peever, D Johnson, J Gardner
Proceedings of the 8th australasian conference on interactive entertainment …, 2012
Deciding to speak up or to remain silent following observed wrongdoing: The role of discrete emotions and climate of silence
MS Edwards, NM Ashkanasy, J Gardner
Voice and silence in organizations 83, 109, 2009
Motivations for videogame play: Predictors of time spent playing
D Johnson, J Gardner, P Sweetser
Computers in Human Behavior 63 (October 2016), 805–812, 2016
Experience as a moderator of the media equation: the impact of flattery and praise
D Johnson, J Gardner, J Wiles
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 61 (3), 237-258, 2004
A framework for stakeholder engagement on climate adaptation
J Gardner, AM Dowd, C Mason, P Ashworth
Climate Adaptation National Research Flagship Working Paper 3, 1-31, 2009
Comparing public perceptions of alternative water sources for potable use: The case of rainwater, stormwater, desalinated water, and recycled water
KS Fielding, J Gardner, Z Leviston, J Price
Water Resources Management 29, 4501-4518, 2015
Communication in organizations: An intergroup perspective
MJ Gardner, N Paulsen, C Gallois, VJ Callan, P Monaghan
The new handbook of language and social psychology 2, 561Á584, 2001
Communication and climate change: What the Australian public thinks
P Ashworth
Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), 2011
Personality, genre and videogame play experience
D Johnson, P Wyeth, P Sweetser, J Gardner
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Fun and Games, 117-120, 2012
The support appraisal for work stressors inventory: Construction and initial validation
SA Lawrence, J Gardner, VJ Callan
Journal of Vocational Behavior 70 (1), 172-204, 2007
Developing effective messages about potable recycled water: The importance of message structure and content
J Price, KS Fielding, J Gardner, Z Leviston, M Green
Water Resources Research 51 (4), 2174-2187, 2015
The edge of glory: the relationship between metacritic scores and player experience
D Johnson, C Watling, J Gardner, LE Nacke
Proceedings of the first ACM SIGCHI annual symposium on Computer-human …, 2014
Problematic communication in the workplace: beliefs of superiors and subordinates
MJ Gardner, E Jones
International Journal of Applied Linguistics 9 (2), 185-203, 1999
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