Eun-Kyong (Cindy) Choi
Eun-Kyong (Cindy) Choi
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Factors affecting customer intention to use online food delivery services before and during the COVID-19 pandemic
C Hong, HH Choi, EKC Choi, HWD Joung
Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management 48, 509-518, 2021
Social media marketing: applying the uses and gratifications theory in the hotel industry
EK Choi, D Fowler, B Goh, J Yuan
Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management 25 (7), 771-796, 2016
Investigating key attributes in experience and satisfaction of hotel customer using online review data
HJ Ban, H Choi, EK Choi, S Lee, HS Kim
Sustainability 11 (23), 6570, 2019
Employee job satisfaction and customer-oriented behavior: A study of frontline employees in the foodservice industry
EK Choi, HW Joung
Journal of Human Resources in Hospitality & Tourism 16 (3), 235-251, 2017
Effects of perceived quality and perceived value of campus foodservice on customer satisfaction: Moderating role of gender
HW Joung, EK Choi, E Wang
Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality & Tourism 17 (2), 101-113, 2016
Exploring customer experiential components and the conceptual framework of customer experience, customer satisfaction, and actual behavior
EK Choi, A Wilson, D Fowler
Journal of foodservice business research 16 (4), 347-358, 2013
Determinants of customer purchase intention toward online food delivery services: The moderating role of usage frequency
C Hong, EKC Choi, HD Joung
Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management 54, 76-87, 2022
Understanding vegetarian customers: the effects of restaurant attributes on customer satisfaction and behavioral intentions
H Choi, HW Joung, EK Choi, HS Kim
Journal of Foodservice Business Research 25 (3), 353-376, 2022
Let’s face it: are customers ready for facial recognition technology at quick-service restaurants?
O Ciftci, EKC Choi, K Berezina
International Journal of Hospitality Management 95, 102941, 2021
Investigating differences in job-related attitudes between full-time and part-time employees in the foodservice industry
HW Joung, EK Choi, JJ Taylor
International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management 30 (2), 817-835, 2018
The effects of restaurant nutrition menu labelling on college students’ healthy eating behaviours
MG Roseman, HW Joung, EKC Choi, HS Kim
Public Health Nutrition 20 (5), 797-804, 2017
Do hotel attributes and amenities affect online user ratings differently across hotel star ratings?
I Soifer, EK Choi, E Lee
Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality & Tourism 22 (5), 539-560, 2021
Understanding food truck customers: Selection attributes and customer segmentation
H Choi, EK Choi, B Yoon, HW Joung
International Journal of Hospitality Management 90, 102647, 2020
Does gender moderate the relationship among festival attendees’ motivation, perceived value, visitor satisfaction, and electronic word-of-mouth?
J Ahn, EK Choi, HW Joung
Information 11 (9), 412, 2020
Promoting hotel upselling: The effect of message appeal and delivery setting on consumer attitude and purchase intention
JJ Ahn, EKC Choi, HW Joung
Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management 52, 295-303, 2022
University foodservice in South Korea: A study of comparison between university-operated restaurant and external foodservice contractors
HW Joung, HS Kim, EK Choi, HO Kang, BK Goh
Journal of Foodservice Business Research 14 (4), 405-413, 2011
Hospitality and tourism management student satisfaction with their majors and career readiness amid the COVID-19 pandemic
C Hong, I Soifer, H Lee, EKC Choi, T Ruetzler
Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism Education 32, 100434, 2023
The impact of perceived service and food quality on behavioral intentions in continuing care retirement communities: A mediating effect of satisfaction
HW Joung, EK Choi, BK Goh
Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality & Tourism 16 (3), 221-234, 2015
The impact of customer perceived value on customer satisfaction and loyalty toward the food delivery robot service
C Hong, EK Choi, HW Joung, HS Kim
Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology 14 (5), 908-924, 2023
Customer intention to use facial recognition technology at quick-service restaurants
O Ciftci, EKC Choi, K Berezina
E-review of Tourism Research 17 (5), 2020
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