Toni Cunillera
Toni Cunillera
Professor de Psicologia
在 ub.edu 的電子郵件地址已通過驗證
Human oscillatory activity associated to reward processing in a gambling task
J Marco-Pallares, D Cucurell, T Cunillera, R García, A Andrés-Pueyo, ...
Neuropsychologia 46 (1), 241-248, 2008
Neurophysiological mechanisms involved in language learning in adults
A Rodríguez-Fornells, T Cunillera, A Mestres-Missé, R de Diego-Balaguer
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 364 …, 2009
Time course and functional neuroanatomy of speech segmentation in adults
T Cunillera, E Càmara, JM Toro, J Marco-Pallares, N Sebastián-Galles, ...
Neuroimage 48 (3), 541-553, 2009
The impact of catechol-O-methyltransferase and dopamine D4 receptor genotypes on neurophysiological markers of performance monitoring
UM Krämer, T Cunillera, E Camara, J Marco-Pallarés, D Cucurell, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 27 (51), 14190-14198, 2007
The effects of stress and statistical cues on continuous speech segmentation: an event-related brain potential study
T Cunillera, JM Toro, N Sebastián-Gallés, A Rodríguez-Fornells
Brain research 1123 (1), 168-178, 2006
Brain oscillatory activity associated with task switching and feedback processing
T Cunillera, L Fuentemilla, J Periañez, J Marco-Pallarès, UM Krämer, ...
Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience 12, 16-33, 2012
The effects of COMT (Val108/158Met) and DRD4 (SNP− 521) dopamine genotypes on brain activations related to valence and magnitude of rewards
E Camara, UM Krämer, T Cunillera, J Marco-Pallarés, D Cucurell, ...
Cerebral Cortex 20 (8), 1985-1996, 2010
Genetic variability in the dopamine system (dopamine receptor D4, catechol-O-methyltransferase) modulates neurophysiological responses to gains and losses
J Marco-Pallarés, D Cucurell, T Cunillera, UM Krämer, E Càmara, ...
Biological psychiatry 66 (2), 154-161, 2009
The right inferior frontal cortex in response inhibition: A tDCS–ERP co-registration study
T Cunillera, D Brignani, D Cucurell, L Fuentemilla, C Miniussi
Neuroimage 140, 66-75, 2016
Recognition of morphologically complex words in Finnish: Evidence from event-related potentials
M Lehtonen, T Cunillera, A Rodríguez-Fornells, A Hultén, J Tuomainen, ...
Brain research 1148, 123-137, 2007
A simultaneous modulation of reactive and proactive inhibition processes by anodal tDCS on the right inferior frontal cortex
T Cunillera, L Fuentemilla, D Brignani, D Cucurell, C Miniussi
PloS one 9 (11), e113537, 2014
Individual differences in true and false memory retrieval are related to white matter brain microstructure
L Fuentemilla, E Camara, TF Münte, UM Krämer, T Cunillera, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 29 (27), 8698-8703, 2009
Language learning under working memory constraints correlates with microstructural differences in the ventral language pathway
D Lopez-Barroso, R de Diego-Balaguer, T Cunillera, E Camara, TF Münte, ...
Cerebral cortex 21 (12), 2742-2750, 2011
Speech segmentation is facilitated by visual cues
T Cunillera, E Càmara, M Laine, A Rodríguez-Fornells
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 63 (2), 260-274, 2010
Differences in word recognition between early bilinguals and monolinguals: Behavioral and ERP evidence
M Lehtonen, A Hultén, A Rodríguez-Fornells, T Cunillera, J Tuomainen, ...
Neuropsychologia 50 (7), 1362-1371, 2012
Neurophysiological correlates of error monitoring and inhibitory processing in juvenile violent offenders
A Vilà-Balló, P Hdez-Lafuente, C Rostan, T Cunillera, ...
Biological psychology 102, 141-152, 2014
Neurophysiological evidence for the interplay of speech segmentation and word-referent mapping during novel word learning
C François, T Cunillera, E Garcia, M Laine, A Rodriguez-Fornells
Neuropsychologia 98, 56-67, 2017
The different impact of a structured peer-assessment task in relation to university undergraduates’ initial writing skills
M Ramon-Casas, N Nuño, F Pons, T Cunillera
Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education 44 (5), 653-663, 2019
ADHD candidate gene (DRD4 exon III) affects inhibitory control in a healthy sample
UM Krämer, N Rojo, R Schüle, T Cunillera, L Schöls, J Marco-Pallarés, ...
BMC neuroscience 10, 1-11, 2009
Neurophysiological correlates of cognitive flexibility and feedback processing in violent juvenile offenders
A Vila-Ballo, T Cunillera, C Rostan, P Hdez-Lafuente, L Fuentemilla, ...
Brain research 1610, 98-109, 2015
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