Johanna Rimmele
Johanna Rimmele
MPI for Empirical Aesthetics, Neuroscience and Max Planck NYU Center for Language, Music and Emotion
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Proactive sensing of periodic and aperiodic auditory patterns
JM Rimmele, B Morillon, D Poeppel, LH Arnal
Trends in cognitive sciences 22 (10), 870-882, 2018
The effects of selective attention and speech acoustics on neural speech-tracking in a multi-talker scene
JM Rimmele, EZ Golumbic, E Schröger, D Poeppel
Cortex 68, 144-154, 2015
Auditory target detection is affected by implicit temporal and spatial expectations
J Rimmele, H Jolsvai, E Sussman
Journal of cognitive neuroscience 23 (5), 1136-1147, 2011
Speaking rhythmically can shape hearing
MF Assaneo, JM Rimmele, Y Sanz Perl, D Poeppel
Nature human behaviour 5 (1), 71-82, 2021
Acoustically driven cortical δ oscillations underpin prosodic chunking
JM Rimmele, D Poeppel, O Ghitza
Eneuro 8 (4), 2021
The Lateralization of Speech-Brain Coupling Is Differentially Modulated by Intrinsic Auditory and Top-Down Mechanisms
MF Assaneo, JM Rimmele, J Orpella, P Ripollés, R de Diego-Balaguer, ...
Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience 13 (28), https://doi.org/10.3389/fnint …, 2019
Age-related changes in the use of regular patterns for auditory scene analysis
J Rimmele, E Schröger, A Bendixen
Hearing research 289 (1-2), 98-107, 2012
The role of temporal structure in the investigation of sensory memory, auditory scene analysis, and speech perception: A healthy-aging perspective
JM Rimmele, E Sussman, D Poeppel
International Journal of Psychophysiology 95 (2), 175-183, 2015
Electrophysiological evidence for age effects on sensory memory processing of tonal patterns.
J Rimmele, E Sussman, C Keitel, T Jacobsen, E Schröger
Psychology and aging 27 (2), 384, 2012
Brain oscillations in human communication
JM Rimmele, J Gross, S Molholm, A Keitel
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12, 39, 2018
Working memory training integrates visual cortex into beta-band networks in congenitally blind individuals
JM Rimmele, H Gudi-Mindermann, G Nolte, B Röder, AK Engel
NeuroImage, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuroimage.201, 2019
Musical Sophistication and Speech Auditory-Motor Coupling: Easy Tests for Quick Answers
JM Rimmele, P Kern, C Lubinus, K Frieler, D Poeppel, MF Assaneo
Frontiers in Neuroscience, 2022
Preferred auditory temporal processing regimes and auditory-motor synchronization
P Kern, MF Assaneo, D Endres, D Poeppel, JM Rimmele
Psychonomic bulletin & review 28 (6), 1860-1873, 2021
Working memory training in congenitally blind individuals results in an integration of occipital cortex in functional networks
H Gudi-Mindermann, JM Rimmele, G Nolte, P Bruns, AK Engel, B Röder
Behavioural brain research 348, 31-41, 2018
Data-driven classification of spectral profiles reveals brain region-specific plasticity in blindness
C Lubinus, J Orpella, A Keitel, H Gudi-Mindermann, AK Engel, B Roeder, ...
Cerebral Cortex 31 (5), 2505-2522, 2021
Better phonological short-term memory is linked to improved cortical memory representations for word forms and better word learning
S Ylinen, A Nora, E Service
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14, 209, 2020
Explaining flexible continuous speech comprehension from individual motor rhythms
C Lubinus, A Keitel, J Obleser, D Poeppel, JM Rimmele
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 290 (1994), 20222410, 2023
Dynamics of functional networks for syllable and word-level processing
JM Rimmele, D Sun, Y., Michalareas, G. , Ghitza, O. , Poeppel
Neurobiology of Language 1–101., https://doi.org/10.1162/nol_a_00089, 2022
Acoustically driven cortical delta oscillations underpin perceptual chunking
JM Rimmele, D Poeppel, O Ghitza
BioRxiv, 2020.05. 16.099432, 2020
Post-training Load-Related Changes of Auditory Working Memory–An EEG Study
H Gudi-Mindermann, JM Rimmele, P Bruns, NA Kloosterman, TH Donner, ...
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14, 72, 2020
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