Vasileios Argyriou
Vasileios Argyriou
在 kingston.ac.uk 的電子郵件地址已通過驗證 - 首頁
Large pose 3D face reconstruction from a single image via direct volumetric CNN regression
AS Jackson, A Bulat, V Argyriou, G Tzimiropoulos
Proceedings of the IEEE international conference on computer vision, 1031-1039, 2017
G3D: A gaming action dataset and real time action recognition evaluation framework
V Bloom, D Makris, V Argyriou
2012 IEEE Computer society conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2012
Summarizing videos with attention
J Fajtl, HS Sokeh, V Argyriou, D Monekosso, P Remagnino
Computer Vision–ACCV 2018 Workshops: 14th Asian Conference on Computer …, 2019
UAV IoT framework views and challenges: Towards protecting drones as “Things”
T Lagkas, V Argyriou, S Bibi, P Sarigiannidis
Sensors 18 (11), 4015, 2018
Robust FFT-based scale-invariant image registration with image gradients
G Tzimiropoulos, V Argyriou, S Zafeiriou, T Stathaki
IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 32 (10), 1899 …, 2010
Modeling, detecting, and mitigating threats against industrial healthcare systems: a combined software defined networking and reinforcement learning approach
P Radoglou-Grammatikis, K Rompolos, P Sarigiannidis, V Argyriou, ...
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 18 (3), 2041-2052, 2021
Advancing sdn from openflow to p4: A survey
A Liatifis, P Sarigiannidis, V Argyriou, T Lagkas
ACM Computing Surveys 55 (9), 1-37, 2023
A Study of Sub-pixel Motion Estimation using Phase Correlation.
V Argyriou, T Vlachos
BMVC, 387-396, 2006
Building detection using enhanced HOG–LBP features and region refinement processes
D Konstantinidis, T Stathaki, V Argyriou, N Grammalidis
IEEE Journal of Selected topics in applied Earth observations and Remote …, 2016
Cognitive evaluation for the diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease based on turing test and virtual environments
JMF Montenegro, V Argyriou
Physiology & behavior 173, 42-51, 2017
Amnet: Memorability estimation with attention
J Fajtl, V Argyriou, D Monekosso, P Remagnino
Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2018
The photoface database
S Zafeiriou, M Hansen, G Atkinson, V Argyriou, M Petrou, M Smith, ...
CVPR 2011 WORKSHOPS, 132-139, 2011
Coverage path planning methods focusing on energy efficient and cooperative strategies for unmanned aerial vehicles
G Fevgas, T Lagkas, V Argyriou, P Sarigiannidis
Sensors 22 (3), 1235, 2022
A modular CNN-based building detector for remote sensing images
D Konstantinidis, V Argyriou, T Stathaki, N Grammalidis
Computer networks 168, 107034, 2020
Face recognition and verification using photometric stereo: The photoface database and a comprehensive evaluation
S Zafeiriou, GA Atkinson, MF Hansen, WAP Smith, V Argyriou, M Petrou, ...
IEEE transactions on information forensics and security 8 (1), 121-135, 2012
A comparison of embedded deep learning methods for person detection
CE Kim, MMD Oghaz, J Fajtl, V Argyriou, P Remagnino
arXiv preprint arXiv:1812.03451, 2018
A survey of alzheimer’s disease early diagnosis methods for cognitive assessment
JM Fernández Montenegro, B Villarini, A Angelopoulou, E Kapetanios, ...
Sensors 20 (24), 7292, 2020
Hierarchical transfer learning for online recognition of compound actions
V Bloom, V Argyriou, D Makris
Computer Vision and Image Understanding 144, 62-72, 2016
Drone-base-station for next-generation internet-of-things: A comparison of swarm intelligence approaches
D Pliatsios, SK Goudos, T Lagkas, V Argyriou, AAA Boulogeorgos, ...
IEEE Open Journal of Antennas and Propagation 3, 32-47, 2021
Subpixel registration with gradient correlation
G Tzimiropoulos, V Argyriou, T Stathaki
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 20 (6), 1761-1767, 2010
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