Bradley J. Bond
Bradley J. Bond
Professor & Chair of Communication, University of San Diego
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Hostile news: Partisan use and perceptions of cable news programming
K Coe, D Tewksbury, BJ Bond, KL Drogos, RW Porter, A Yahn, Y Zhang
Journal of communication 58 (2), 201-219, 2008
Following your “friend”: Social media and the strength of adolescents' parasocial relationships with media personae
BJ Bond
Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking 19 (11), 656-660, 2016
Information-seeking practices during the sexual development of lesbian, gay, and bisexual individuals: The influence and effects of coming out in a mediated environment
BJ Bond, V Hefner, KL Drogos
Sexuality & Culture 13, 32-50, 2009
Parasocial relationships, social media, & well-being
CA Hoffner, BJ Bond
Current Opinion in Psychology 45, 101306, 2022
Parasocial relationships with media personae: Why they matter and how they differ among heterosexual, lesbian, gay, and bisexual adolescents
BJ Bond
Media Psychology 21 (3), 457-485, 2018
Gay on-screen: The relationship between exposure to gay characters on television and heterosexual audiences' endorsement of gay equality
BJ Bond, BL Compton
Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media 59 (4), 717-732, 2015
Sex on the Shore: Wishful Identification and Parasocial Relationships as Mediators in the Relationship Between Jersey Shore Exposure and Emerging Adults …
BJ Bond, KL Drogos
Media Psychology 17 (1), 102-126, 2014
He Posted, She Posted: Gender Differences in Self-disclosure on Social Network Sites.
BJ Bond
Rocky Mountain Communication Review 6 (2), 2009
The development and influence of parasocial relationships with television characters: A longitudinal experimental test of prejudice reduction through parasocial contact
BJ Bond
Communication Research 48 (4), 573-593, 2021
Relational uncertainty and message processing in marriage
LK Knobloch, LE Miller, BJ Bond, SE Mannone
Communication Monographs 74 (2), 154-180, 2007
A model and measure of US parents' perceptions of young children's parasocial relationships
BJ Bond, SL Calvert
Journal of children and media 8 (3), 286-304, 2014
Sex and sexuality in entertainment media popular with lesbian, gay, and bisexual adolescents
BJ Bond
Mass communication and society 17 (1), 98-120, 2014
Electronic gaming and the obesity crisis
SL Calvert, AE Staiano, BJ Bond
New directions for child and adolescent development 2013 (139), 51-57, 2013
Gaming magazines and the drive for muscularity in preadolescent boys: A longitudinal examination
K Harrison, BJ Bond
Body Image 4 (3), 269-277, 2007
Portrayals of Sex and Sexuality in Gay- and Lesbian-Oriented Media: A Quantitative Content Analysis
BJ Bond
Sexuality & Culture 19 (1), 37-56, 2015
Social and parasocial relationships during COVID-19 social distancing
BJ Bond
Journal of Social and Personal Relationships 38 (8), 2308-2329, 2021
Fairy godmothers> robots: The influence of televised gender stereotypes and counter-stereotypes on girls’ perceptions of STEM
BJ Bond
Bulletin of Science, Technology & Society 36 (2), 91-97, 2016
An exploration into the uses and gratifications of media for transgender individuals.
KA Kosenko, BJ Bond, RJ Hurley
Psychology of Popular Media Culture 7 (3), 274, 2018
The mediating role of self-discrepancies in the relationship between media exposure and well-being among lesbian, gay, and bisexual adolescents
BJ Bond
Media Psychology 18 (1), 51-73, 2015
Parasocial breakup among young children in the United States
BJ Bond, SL Calvert
Journal of Children and Media 8 (4), 474-490, 2014
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