Jon Michael Gran
Jon Michael Gran
在 medisin.uio.no 的電子郵件地址已通過驗證 - 首頁
Estimates of global seasonal influenza-associated respiratory mortality: a modelling study
AD Iuliano, KM Roguski, HH Chang, DJ Muscatello, R Palekar, S Tempia, ...
The Lancet 391 (10127), 1285-1300, 2018
Left ventricular mechanical dispersion by tissue Doppler imaging: a novel approach for identifying high-risk individuals with long QT syndrome
KH Haugaa, T Edvardsen, TP Leren, JM Gran, OA Smiseth, JP Amlie
European heart journal 30 (3), 330-337, 2009
Causality, mediation and time: a dynamic viewpoint
OO Aalen, K Røysland, JM Gran, B Ledergerber
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A: Statistics in Society 175 …, 2012
Relative validity of fruit and vegetable intake estimated from an FFQ, using carotenoid and flavonoid biomarkers and the method of triads
MH Carlsen, A Karlsen, ITL Lillegaard, JM Gran, CA Drevon, R Blomhoff, ...
British Journal of Nutrition 105 (10), 1530-1538, 2011
A sequential Cox approach for estimating the causal effect of treatment in the presence of time‐dependent confounding applied to data from the Swiss HIV Cohort Study
JM Gran, K Røysland, M Wolbers, V Didelez, JAC Sterne, B Ledergerber, ...
Statistics in medicine 29 (26), 2757-2768, 2010
Temporal trends in age at menarche and age at menopause: a population study of 312 656 women in Norway
MS Gottschalk, A Eskild, S Hofvind, JM Gran, EK Bjelland
Human Reproduction 35 (2), 464-471, 2020
Can we believe the DAGs? A comment on the relationship between causal DAGs and mechanisms
OO Aalen, K Røysland, JM Gran, R Kouyos, T Lange
Statistical methods in medical research 25 (5), 2294-2314, 2016
Causal inference in multi-state models–sickness absence and work for 1145 participants after work rehabilitation
JM Gran, SA Lie, I Øyeflaten, Ø Borgan, OO Aalen
BMC public health 15, 1-16, 2015
Association of IL-8 with infarct size and clinical outcomes in patients with STEMI
C Shetelig, S Limalanathan, P Hoffmann, I Seljeflot, JM Gran, J Eritsland, ...
Journal of the American College of Cardiology 72 (2), 187-198, 2018
Bimodal distribution of polyunsaturated fatty acids in schizophrenia suggests two endophenotypes of the disorder
H Bentsen, DK Solberg, H Refsum, JM Gran, T Bøhmer, PA Torjesen, ...
Biological psychiatry 70 (1), 97-105, 2011
Estimating influenza-related excess mortality and reproduction numbers for seasonal influenza in Norway, 1975–2004
JM Gran, B Iversen, O Hungnes, OO Aalen
Epidemiology & Infection 138 (11), 1559-1568, 2010
Increase of regulatory T cells in ileal mucosa of untreated pediatric Crohn's disease patients
DH Reikvam, G Perminow, LG Lyckander, JM Gran, P Brandtzaeg, M Vatn, ...
Scandinavian journal of gastroenterology 46 (5), 550-560, 2011
Growth rates in epidemic models: application to a model for HIV/AIDS progression
JM Gran, L Wasmuth, EJ Amundsen, BH Lindqvist, OO Aalen
Statistics in medicine 27 (23), 4817-4834, 2008
Seasonal and pandemic influenza during pregnancy and risk of fetal death: a Norwegian registry-based cohort study
N Gunnes, HK Gjessing, IJ Bakken, S Ghaderi, JM Gran, O Hungnes, ...
European journal of epidemiology 35, 371-379, 2020
Dietary counseling is associated with an improved lipid profile in children with familial hypercholesterolemia
K Torvik, I Narverud, I Ottestad, A Svilaas, JM Gran, K Retterstøl, ...
Atherosclerosis 252, 21-27, 2016
Global test for high‐dimensional mediation: Testing groups of potential mediators
V Djordjilović, CM Page, JM Gran, TH Nøst, TM Sandanger, MB Veierød, ...
Statistics in medicine 38 (18), 3346-3360, 2019
Symptom burden and patient characteristics: Association with quality of life in patients with head and neck cancer undergoing radiotherapy
GL Astrup, T Rustøen, K Hofsø, JM Gran, K Bjordal
Head & neck 39 (10), 2114-2126, 2017
Maternal inheritance does not predict cholesterol levels in children with familial hypercholesterolemia
I Narverud, JR van Lennep, JJ Christensen, J Versmissen, JM Gran, ...
Atherosclerosis 243 (1), 155-160, 2015
The effect of antibiotic prophylaxis guidelines on surgical-site infections associated with cesarean delivery
FE Skjeldestad, JV Bjørnholt, JM Gran, HM Erisken
International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics 128 (2), 126-130, 2015
Impact of prenatal exposure to benzodiazepines and z-hypnotics on behavioral problems at 5 years of age: A study from the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study
LM Sundbakk, M Wood, JM Gran, H Nordeng
PLoS One 14 (6), e0217830, 2019
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