Sara K. Yeo
Sara K. Yeo
Department of Communication, The University of Utah
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The lure of rationality: Why does the deficit model persist in science communication?
MJ Simis, H Madden, MA Cacciatore, SK Yeo
Public understanding of science 25 (4), 400-414, 2016
Building Buzz: (Scientists) Communicating Science in New Media Environments
X Liang, LYF Su, SK Yeo, DA Scheufele, D Brossard, M Xenos, P Nealey, ...
Journalism & mass communication quarterly 91 (4), 772-791, 2014
Toxic talk: How online incivility can undermine perceptions of media
AA Anderson, SK Yeo, D Brossard, DA Scheufele, MA Xenos
International Journal of Public Opinion Research 30 (1), 156-168, 2018
Is Facebook making us dumber? Exploring social media use as a predictor of political knowledge
MA Cacciatore, SK Yeo, DA Scheufele, MA Xenos, D Brossard, EA Corley
Journalism & mass communication quarterly 95 (2), 404-424, 2018
Selecting our own science: How communication contexts and individual traits shape information seeking
SK Yeo, MA Xenos, D Brossard, DA Scheufele
The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 658 (1 …, 2015
Partisan amplification of risk: American perceptions of nuclear energy risk in the wake of the Fukushima Daiichi disaster
SK Yeo, MA Cacciatore, D Brossard, DA Scheufele, K Runge, LY Su, ...
Energy Policy 67, 727-736, 2014
Coastal bacterioplankton community dynamics in response to a natural disturbance
SK Yeo, MJ Huggett, A Eiler, MS Rappé
PLoS One 8 (2), e56207, 2013
Tweeting nano: How public discourses about nanotechnology develop in social media environments
KK Runge, SK Yeo, M Cacciatore, DA Scheufele, D Brossard, M Xenos, ...
Journal of nanoparticle research 15, 1-11, 2013
Emotion and humor as misinformation antidotes
SK Yeo, M McKasy
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118 (15), e2002484118, 2021
Disentangling the influence of value predispositions and risk/benefit perceptions on support for nanotechnology among the American public
J Kim, SK Yeo, D Brossard, DA Scheufele, MA Xenos
Risk analysis 34 (5), 965-980, 2014
Predicting intentions to engage with scientific messages on Twitter: The roles of mirth and need for humor
SK Yeo, LYF Su, MA Cacciatore, M McKasy, S Qian
Science Communication 42 (4), 481-507, 2020
Persuasive impact of loss and gain frames on intentions to exercise: A test of six moderators
JD Jensen, CL Ratcliff, RN Yale, M Krakow, CL Scherr, SK Yeo
Communication Monographs 85 (2), 245-262, 2018
The case of# arseniclife: Blogs and Twitter in informal peer review
SK Yeo, X Liang, D Brossard, KM Rose, K Korzekwa, DA Scheufele, ...
Public Understanding of Science 26 (8), 937-952, 2017
Following science on social media: The effects of humor and source likability
SK Yeo, MA Cacciatore, LYF Su, M McKasy, L O’Neill
Public Understanding of Science 30 (5), 552-569, 2021
The cyber-doom effect: The impact of fear appeals in the US cyber security debate
ST Lawson, SK Yeo, H Yu, E Greene
2016 8th International Conference on Cyber Conflict (CyCon), 65-80, 2016
Are attitudes toward labeling nano products linked to attitudes toward GMO? Exploring a potential ‘spillover’effect for attitudes toward controversial technologies
H Akin, SK Yeo, CD Wirz, DA Scheufele, D Brossard, MA Xenos, ...
Journal of Responsible Innovation 6 (1), 50-74, 2019
Misperceptions in polarized politics: The role of knowledge, religiosity, and media
MA Cacciatore, SK Yeo, DA Scheufele, MA Xenos, DH Choi, D Brossard, ...
PS: Political Science & Politics 47 (3), 654-661, 2014
28 The (Changing) Nature of Scientist–Media Interactions: A Cross-National Analysis
SK Yeo, D Brossard
The Oxford handbook of the science of science communication, 261, 2017
The effect of comment moderation on perceived bias in science news
SK Yeo, LYF Su, DA Scheufele, D Brossard, MA Xenos, EA Corley
Information, Communication & Society 22 (1), 129-146, 2019
Laughing with science: The influence of audience approval on engagement
MA Cacciatore, AB Becker, AA Anderson, SK Yeo
Science Communication 42 (2), 195-217, 2020
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