Cibele Bugno Zamboni
Cibele Bugno Zamboni
Pesquisadora CNEN-SP, Fisica Nuclear
在 ipen.br 的電子郵件地址已通過驗證
Fundamentos da física de nêutrons
CB Zamboni
Editora Livraria da Física, 2007
Use of thermal neutrons to perform clinical analyses in blood and urine samples
LC Oliveira, CB Zamboni, FA Genezini, AMG Figueiredo, GS Zahn
Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 263 (3), 783-786, 2005
Variability of 137Cs and 40K soil-to-fruit transfer factor in tropical lemon trees during the fruit development period
H Velasco, AS Cid, RM Anjos, CB Zamboni, M Rizzotto, DL Valladares, ...
Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 104, 64-70, 2012
Software para realização de análises hematológicas utilizando processo radioanalítico
JAG Medeiros, CB Zamboni, GS Zahn, LC Oliveira, L Dalaqua Jr
39º Congresso Brasileiro de Patologia Clinica/Medicina Laboratorial, São …, 2005
Long‐term accumulation and microdistribution of uranium in the bone and marrow of beagle dog
JDT Arruda‐Neto, MV Manso Guevara, GP Nogueira, ID Taricano, M Saiki, ...
International Journal of Radiation Biology 80 (8), 567-575, 2004
Trace elements at whole blood of distinct mouse lines by using NAA
CB Zamboni, GS Zahn, OA Sant'Anna
VI Latin American Symposium on Nuclear Physics and Applications(AIP …, 2007
Application of neutron activation analysis to bone samples
CB Zamboni, LC Oliveira, L Dalaqua Jr, J Mesa
Journal of radioanalytical and nuclear chemistry 269 (2), 331-334, 2006
Investigation of whole blood of SJL/J mice using neutron activation analysis
CB Zamboni, MF Suzuki, S Metairon, MDF Carvalho, OA Sant’Anna
Journal of radioanalytical and nuclear chemistry 281, 97-99, 2009
Quantitative estimation of Br, Cl, K and Na in sample blood by NAA
LC Oliveira, CB Zamboni, J Mesa
Journal of radioanalytical and nuclear chemistry 269 (3), 541-545, 2006
Analysis of serum and whole blood using NAA for clinical investigation
L Kovacs, CB Zamboni, LC Oliveira, VLR Salvador, IM Sato, ...
Journal of radioanalytical and nuclear chemistry 278, 543-545, 2008
The Chlorine reference value in whole blood using ANAA
LC Oliveira, CB Zamboni, PS Lins, MRAA Oliveira
Brazilian journal of physics 35, 793-796, 2005
Response function of a germanium detector to photon energies between 6 and 120 keV
JY Zevallos-Chávez, MTF Da Cruz, MN Martins, VP Likhachev, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2001
Decay of 72Ga
JAG Medeiros, CB Zamboni, AL Lapolli, G Kenchian, MTF Da Cruz
Applied Radiation and Isotopes 54 (2), 245-259, 2001
Use of thermal neutrons to perform analyses in body organs of small sized animals
LC Oliveira, CB Zamboni, GS Zahn, MP Raele, MA Maschio
Brazilian Journal of Physics 34, 811-813, 2004
Simultaneous determination of five elements in whole blood of dystrophin-deficient mdx mouse by NAA
CB Zamboni, MF Suzuki, OA Sant’Anna
Journal of radioanalytical and nuclear chemistry 278, 585-589, 2008
Evaluation of the neutron flux distribution in an AmBe irradiator using the MCNP-4C code
JY Zevallos-Chávez, CB Zamboni
Brazilian journal of physics 35, 797-800, 2005
Determination of reference interval values for inorganic elements in whole blood samples of humans and laboratory animals by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry
MM Redígolo, RO Aguiar, CB Zamboni, IM Sato
Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 297, 463-467, 2013
Determination of neutron flux distribution in an Am–Be irradiator using the MCNP
K Shtejer-Diaz, CB Zamboni, GS Zahn, JY Zevallos-Chávez
Applied Radiation and Isotopes 59 (4), 263-266, 2003
Directional correlation of γ transitions in Ge 72 following the decay of Ga 72
E Landulfo, RN Saxena, CB Zamboni, AL Lapolli
Physical Review C 50 (2), 733, 1994
Na, K, Ca, Mg, and U-series in fossil bone and the proposal of a radial diffusion–adsorption model of uranium uptake
AS Cid, RM Anjos, CB Zamboni, R Cardoso, M Muniz, A Corona, ...
Journal of environmental radioactivity 136, 131-139, 2014
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