適用於公開取用強制性政策的文章 - Rider W. Foley瞭解詳情
Connecting engineering processes and responsible innovation: A response to macro-ethical challenges
R Foley, B Gibbs
Engineering Studies 11 (1), 9-33, 2019
授權規定: US National Science Foundation
How public values theory can influence energy infrastructure planning: Exploring values articulation, time horizons, and substitutability through the Atlantic Coast pipeline
RW Foley, C Pollack, E Barrella, R Wilkins
Energy Research and Social Science 72 (February), https://doi.org/10.1016/j …, 2021
授權規定: US National Institutes of Health
Using the Capacity and Low Latency of Mobile Edge Clouds for Community Applications
D Kilper, H Dong, AT Knife, J Yu, Q Liu, K Kim, B Lincoln, C Banks, ...
Optical Fiber Communication Conference, Tu2A. 1, 2021
授權規定: US National Science Foundation
How did STEM students respond to a cross-campus discussion forum about macroethics? An exploratory content analysis of students’ written reflections
G Hurley, KK Eggleson, J Young, C Vaerewyck, R Foley, KL Haas, ...
SN Social Sciences 3 (9), 154, 2023
授權規定: US National Science Foundation
Acquisition of T-shaped expertise: an exploratory study
SN Conley, RW Foley, ME Gorman, J Denham, K Coleman
Social epistemology 31 (2), 165-183, 2017
授權規定: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Veterans Affairs
Drivers of technology adoption—the case of nanomaterials in building construction
SK Arora, RW Foley, J Youtie, P Shapira, A Wiek
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 87, 232-244, 2014
授權規定: UK Economic and Social Research Council
Towards an alignment of activities, aspirations and stakeholders for responsible innovation
RW Foley, MJ Bernstein, A Wiek
Journal of Responsible Innovation 3 (3), 209-232, 2016
授權規定: US National Science Foundation
Patterns of nanotechnology innovation and governance within a metropolitan area
RW Foley, A Wiek
Technology in Society 35 (4), 233-247, 2013
授權規定: US National Institutes of Health
Broken promises and breaking ground for responsible innovation–intervention research to transform business-as-usual in nanotechnology innovation
A Wiek, RW Foley, DH Guston, MJ Bernstein
Technology Analysis & Strategic Management 28 (6), 639-650, 2016
授權規定: US National Science Foundation
From Public Engagement to Research Intervention: Analyzing Processes and Exploring Outcomes in Urban Techno-politics
RW Foley, R Rushforth, T Kalinowski, I Bennett
Science as Culture, 2020
授權規定: US National Science Foundation
Nanotechnology development as if people and places matter
R Foley, A Wiek, B Kay
NanoEthics, 1-15, 2017
授權規定: US National Science Foundation
Towards Digital Segregation? Problematizing the Haves and Have Nots in the Smart City
RW Foley, S Nadjari, J Eshirow, R Adekunle, P Codjoe
Frontiers in Sustainable Cities, https://doi.org/10.3389/frsc.2022.706670, 2022
授權規定: US National Science Foundation
Methods for objective and subjective evaluation of zero-client computing
F Alali, TA Adams, RW Foley, D Kilper, RD Williams, M Veeraraghavan
IEEE Access 7, 94569-94582, 2019
授權規定: US National Science Foundation
Bridgework ahead! Innovation ecosystems vis-à-vis responsible innovation
R Foley, A Wiek
Journal of Nanoparticle Research 19, 1-16, 2017
授權規定: US National Science Foundation
Innovation and equality: an approach to constructing a community governed network commons
RW Foley, O Sylvain, S Foster
Journal of Responsible Innovation 9 (1), 49-73, 2022
授權規定: US National Science Foundation
Non-Academic Careers for STS Graduate Students: Hopping off the Tenure Track
RW Woodson, T.P., Harsh, M., Foley
Minerva, 2018
授權規定: US National Science Foundation
Practitioner Partnerships Supported by the Computer Science for All Program: A Systematic Evaluation
R Adekunle, JK Eshirow, JL Herring, S Lin, RW Foley
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access, 2021
授權規定: US National Science Foundation
Prototype to Patient Treatment: Dialogue on Safety, Regulation, Privacy, Security, and Acceptability for Wearable Medical Devices — A Workshop Report
RW Foley, P Asare, J Delborne, J Lach, V Misra
https://libraopen.lib.virginia.edu/public_view/pz50gw21p, 2017
授權規定: US National Science Foundation, US National Institutes of Health