Jose Weng Chou Wong
Jose Weng Chou Wong
Assistant Dean and Associate Professor at Faculty of Hospitality and Tourism Management, MUST
在 must.edu.mo 的電子郵件地址已通過驗證
Comparing crisis management practices in the hotel industry between initial and pandemic stages of COVID-19
IKW Lai, JWC Wong
International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management 32 (10), 3135-3156, 2020
Sharing memorable tourism experiences on mobile social media and how it influences further travel decisions
JWC Wong, IKW Lai, Z Tao
Current issues in Tourism 23 (14), 1773-1787, 2020
An empirical analysis of synthesizing the effects of festival quality, emotion, festival image and festival satisfaction on festival loyalty: A case study of Macau Food Festival
J Wong, HC Wu, CC Cheng
International Journal of Tourism Research 17 (6), 521-536, 2015
An empirical study of behavioral intentions in the food festival: The case of Macau
HC Wu, JWC Wong, CC Cheng
Asia pacific journal of tourism research 19 (11), 1278-1305, 2014
The effects of value co-creation activities on the perceived performance of exhibitions: A service science perspective
JWC Wong, IKW Lai
Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management 39, 97-109, 2019
Evaluating value co-creation activities in exhibitions: An impact-asymmetry analysis
JWC Wong, IKW Lai
International Journal of Hospitality Management 72, 118-131, 2018
Memorable ethnic minority tourism experiences in China: a case study of Guangxi Zhuang Zu
JWC Wong, IKW Lai, Z Tao
Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change 17 (4), 508-525, 2019
The mechanism influencing the residents’ support of the government policy for accelerating tourism recovery under COVID-19
JWC Wong, IKW Lai
Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management 52, 219-227, 2022
Gaming and non-gaming memorable tourism experiences: How do they influence young and mature tourists’ behavioural intentions?
JWC Wong, IKW Lai
Journal of Destination Marketing & Management 21, 100642, 2021
From the attributes of smart tourism technologies to loyalty and WOM via user satisfaction: the moderating role of switching costs
KSP Ng, JWC Wong, D Xie, J Zhu
Kybernetes 52 (8), 2868-2885, 2023
Assessing community attitudes toward industrial heritage tourism development
PF Xie, MY Lee, JWC Wong
Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change 18 (3), 237-251, 2020
From exhibitor engagement readiness to perceived exhibition performance via relationship quality
IKW Lai, JWC Wong
Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management 46, 144-152, 2021
A study of food festival loyalty
Z Mohi
Journal of Tourism, Hospitality & Culinary Arts (JTHCA) 5 (2), 30-43, 2013
Effect of government enforcement actions on resident support for tourism recovery during the COVID-19 crisis in Macao, China
JWC Wong, IKW Lai
Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research 26 (9), 973-987, 2021
Internal factors, external factors and behavioral intention toward food delivery apps (FDAs)
KSP Ng, J Zhang, JWC Wong, KK Luo
British Food Journal 125 (8), 2970-2987, 2023
Memorable tourism experiences in red tourism: The Case of Jiangxi, China
X Zhou, JWC Wong, S Wang
Frontiers in Psychology 13, 899144, 2022
An exploratory study of pandemic-restricted travel—A new form of travel pattern on the during-and post-COVID-19 era
S Wang, IKW Lai, JWC Wong
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19 (7), 4149, 2022
Comparing the effects of tourists’ perceptions of residents’ emotional solidarity and tourists’ emotional solidarity on trip satisfaction and word-of-mouth intentions
IKW Lai, JWC Wong
Journal of Travel Research 63 (1), 136-152, 2024
Influence of the green certification logo and text on environmental awareness and hotel guests’ water-saving behaviour
JWC Wong, IKW Lai
Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing 41 (4), 491-507, 2024
The impact of pluralistic values on postmodern tourists' behavioural intention towards renovated heritage sites
S Wang, IKW Lai, JWC Wong
Tourism Management Perspectives 49, 101175, 2023
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