Dr. Deepak Pandit
Dr. Deepak Pandit
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Public expenditure and economic growth: Evidence from the developing countries
D Ahuja, D Pandit
FIIB Business Review 9 (3), 228-236, 2020
Exploring challenges of online education in COVID times
D Pandit, S Agrawal
FIIB Business Review 11 (3), 263-270, 2022
Variation of neutron detection characteristics with dimension of BC501A neutron detector
K Banerjee, TK Ghosh, S Kundu, TK Rana, C Bhattacharya, JK Meena, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2009
Critical behavior in the variation of GDR width at low temperature
D Pandit, S Mukhopadhyay, S Pal, A De, SR Banerjee
Physics Letters B 713 (4-5), 434-438, 2012
A realistic technique for selection of angular momenta from hot nuclei: A case study with 4He+ 115In→ 119Sb* at ELab= 35 MeV
D Pandit, S Mukhopadhyay, S Bhattacharya, S Pal, A De, SR Banerjee
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2010
Extreme nuclear shapes examined via Giant Dipole Resonance lineshapes in hot light mass system
D Pandit, S Mukhopadhyay, S Bhattacharya, S Pal, A De, S Bhattacharya, ...
Phys. Rev. C 81, 061302, 2010
Coherent bremsstrahlung and GDR width from 252Cf cold fission
D Pandit, S Mukhopadhyay, S Bhattacharya, S Pal, A De, SR Banerjee
Physics Letters B 690 (5), 473-476, 2010
Measurement and simulation of neutron response function of organic liquid scintillator detector
M Gohil, K Banerjee, S Bhattacharya, C Bhattacharya, S Kundu, TK Rana, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2012
Direct evidence of fadeout of collective enhancement in nuclear level density
K Banerjee, P Roy, D Pandit, J Sadhukhan, S Bhattacharya, ...
Physics Letters B 772, 105-109, 2017
Probing the critical behavior in the evolution of GDR width at very low temperatures in A∼ 100 mass region
B Dey, D Mondal, D Pandit, S Mukhopadhyay, S Pal, S Bhattacharya, ...
Physics Letters B 731, 92-96, 2014
Variation of nuclear level density with angular momentum
K Banerjee, S Bhattacharya, C Bhattacharya, M Gohil, S Kundu, TK Rana, ...
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 85 (6), 064310, 2012
S-shaped heat capacity in an odd–odd deformed nucleus
B Dey, NQ Hung, D Pandit, S Bhattacharya, ND Dang, LTQ Huong, ...
Physics Letters B 789, 634-638, 2019
Measurement of giant dipole resonance width at low temperature: A new experimental perspective
S Mukhopadhyay, D Pandit, S Pal, S Bhattacharya, A De, S Bhattacharya, ...
Physics Letters B 709 (1-2), 9-13, 2012
Effect of collectivity on the nuclear level density
P Roy, K Banerjee, M Gohil, C Bhattacharya, S Kundu, TK Rana, ...
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 88 (3), 031601, 2013
LAMBDA: Large Area Modular BaF2 Detector Array for the measurement of high energy γ rays
S Mukhopadhyay, S Bhattacharya, D Pandit, A Ray, S Pal, K Banerjee, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2007
Experimental signature of collective enhancement in nuclear level density
D Pandit, S Bhattacharya, D Mondal, P Roy, K Banerjee, ...
Physical Review C 97 (4), 041301, 2018
Giant dipole resonance width as a probe for nuclear deformation at finite excitation
D Pandit, B Dey, D Mondal, S Mukhopadhyay, S Pal, S Bhattacharya, ...
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 87 (4), 044325, 2013
Giant dipole resonance width in nuclei near Sn at low temperature and high angular momentum
S Bhattacharya, S Mukhopadhyay, D Pandit, S Pal, A De, S Bhattacharya, ...
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 77 (2), 024318, 2008
Level density and thermodynamics in the hot rotating nucleus
B Dey, D Pandit, S Bhattacharya, NQ Hung, ND Dang, LT Phuc, D Mondal, ...
Physical Review C 96 (5), 054326, 2017
Excitation energy dependence of the level density parameter close to the doubly magic
P Roy, K Banerjee, C Bhattacharya, R Pandey, A Sen, S Manna, S Kundu, ...
Physical Review C 94 (6), 064607, 2016
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