Conceptualizing and measuring historical trauma among American Indian people LB Whitbeck, GW Adams, DR Hoyt, X Chen American journal of community psychology 33 (3-4), 119-130, 2004 | 1153 | 2004 |
Family, community, and school influences on resilience among American Indian adolescents in the upper Midwest TD LaFromboise, DR Hoyt, L Oliver, LB Whitbeck Journal of community psychology 34 (2), 193-209, 2006 | 628 | 2006 |
Nowhere to grow: Homeless and runaway adolescents and their families LB Whitbeck Routledge, 2017 | 567 | 2017 |
Mental disorder, subsistence strategies, and victimization among gay, lesbian, and bisexual homeless and runaway adolescents LB Whitbeck, X Chen, DR Hoyt, KA Tyler, KD Johnson Journal of sex research 41 (4), 329-342, 2004 | 500 | 2004 |
Discrimination, historical loss and enculturation: culturally specific risk and resiliency factors for alcohol abuse among American Indians. B Les Whitbeck, X Chen, DR Hoyt, GW Adams Journal of studies on alcohol 65 (4), 409-418, 2004 | 500 | 2004 |
Perceived discrimination and early substance abuse among American Indian children LB Whitbeck, DR Hoyt, BJ McMorris, X Chen, JD Stubben Journal of health and social behavior, 405-424, 2001 | 435 | 2001 |
Psychological distress and help seeking in rural America DR Hoyt, RD Conger, JG Valde, K Weihs American journal of community psychology 25 (4), 449-470, 1997 | 429 | 1997 |
Perceived discrimination, traditional practices, and depressive symptoms among American Indians in the upper Midwest LB Whitbeck, BJ McMorris, DR Hoyt, JD Stubben, T LaFromboise Journal of health and social behavior, 400-418, 2002 | 428 | 2002 |
Early adolescent sexual activity: A developmental study LB Whitbeck, KA Yoder, DR Hoyt, RD Conger Journal of Marriage and the Family, 934-946, 1999 | 381 | 1999 |
A risk‐amplification model of victimization and depressive symptoms among runaway and homeless adolescents LB Whitbeck, DR Hoyt, KA Yoder American Journal of Community Psychology 27 (2), 273-296, 1999 | 361 | 1999 |
The effects of early sexual abuse on later sexual victimization among female homeless and runaway adolescents KA Tyler, DR Hoyt, LB Whitbeck Journal of interpersonal violence 15 (3), 235-250, 2000 | 318 | 2000 |
Perceived parental acceptance as a moderator of religious transmission among adolescent boys and girls WN Bao, LB Whitbeck, DR Hoyt, RD Conger Journal of Marriage and the Family, 362-374, 1999 | 316 | 1999 |
The impact of childhood sexual abuse on later sexual victimization among runaway youth KA Tyler, DR Hoyt, LB Whitbeck, AM Cauce Journal of research on adolescence 11 (2), 151-176, 2001 | 311 | 2001 |
Traditional culture and academic success among American Indian children in the upper Midwest LB Whitbeck, DR Hoyt, JD Stubben, T LaFromboise Journal of American Indian Education, 48-60, 2001 | 290 | 2001 |
Depressive symptoms and co‐occurring depressive symptoms, substance abuse, and conduct problems among runaway and homeless adolescents LB Whitbeck, DR Hoyt, WN Bao Child development 71 (3), 721-732, 2000 | 289 | 2000 |
Abusive family backgrounds and later victimization among runaway and homeless adolescents LB Whitbeck, DR Hoyt, KA Ackley Journal of research on adolescence 7 (4), 375-392, 1997 | 279 | 1997 |
Families of homeless and runaway adolescents: A comparison of parent/caretaker and adolescent perspectives on parenting, family violence, and adolescent conduct LB Whitbeck, DR Hoyt, KA Ackley Child Abuse & Neglect 21 (6), 517-528, 1997 | 266 | 1997 |
Early family relationships, intergenerational solidarity, and support provided to parents by their adult children L Whitbeck, DR Hoyt, SM Huck Journal of gerontology 49 (2), S85-S94, 1994 | 262 | 1994 |
Natural disaster and depression: a prospective investigation of reactions to the 1993 midwest floods EM Ginexi, K Weihs, SJ Simmens, DR Hoyt American journal of community psychology 28 (4), 495-518, 2000 | 259 | 2000 |
Risk factors for sexual victimization among male and female homeless and runaway youth KA Tyler, LB Whitbeck, DR Hoyt, AM Cauce Journal of Interpersonal violence 19 (5), 503-520, 2004 | 258 | 2004 |