Sheldon Landsberger
Sheldon Landsberger
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Measurement and detection of radiation
N Tsoulfanidis, S Landsberger
CRC press, 2021
Characterization and identification of Na‐Cl sources in ground water
SV Panno, KC Hackley, HH Hwang, SE Greenberg, IG Krapac, ...
Groundwater 44 (2), 176-187, 2006
Characterization of the Gent stacked filter unit PM10 sampler
PK Hopke, Y Xie, T Raunemaa, S Biegalski, S Landsberger, W Maenhaut, ...
Aerosol Science and Technology 27 (6), 726-735, 1997
Qualitative determination of source regions of aerosol in Canadian high Arctic
MD Cheng, PK Hopke, L Barrie, A Rippe, M Olson, S Landsberger
Environmental Science & Technology 27 (10), 2063-2071, 1993
Anthropogenic aerosols and gases in the lower troposphere at Alert Canada in April 1986
LA Barrie, G Den Hartog, JW Bottenheim, S Landsberger
Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry 9 (1), 101-127, 1989
Lower tropospheric measurements of halogens, nitrates, and sulphur oxides during Polar Sunrise Experiment 1992
LA Barrie, SM Li, DL Toom, S Landsberger, W Sturges
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 99 (D12), 25453-25467, 1994
Sources of toxic trace elements in urban air in Illinois
CW Sweet, SJ Vermette, S Landsberger
Environmental Science & Technology 27 (12), 2502-2510, 1993
Validation of a 3-D enhancement of the Universal Soil Loss Equation for prediction of soil erosion and sediment deposition
SD Warren, H Mitasova, MG Hohmann, S Landsberger, FY Iskander, ...
Catena 64 (2-3), 281-296, 2005
Evidence of a spherical to prolate shape transition in the germanium nuclei
R Lecomte, M Irshad, S Landsberger, P Paradis, S Monaro
Physical Review C 22 (4), 1530, 1980
Arctic aerosol size‐segregated chemical observations in relation to ozone depletion during Polar Sunrise Experiment 1992
LA Barrie, R Staebler, D Toom, B Georgi, G Den Hartog, S Landsberger, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 99 (D12), 25439-25451, 1994
Studies of radioactivity and heavy metals in phosphate fertilizer
H Hamamo, S Landsberger, G Harbottle, S Panno
Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 194 (2), 331-336, 1995
Heavy metals in urban soils of East St. Louis, IL, part I: total concentration of heavy metals in soils
MD Kaminski, S Landsberger
Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association 50 (9), 1667-1679, 2000
Coulomb-excitation studies of , , , and
R Lecomte, M Irshad, S Landsberger, G Kajrys, P Paradis, S Monaro
Physical Review C 22 (6), 2420, 1980
Proliferation resistance assessment methodology for nuclear fuel cycles
WS Charlton, RF LeBouf, C Gariazzo, DG Ford, C Beard, S Landsberger, ...
Nuclear Technology 157 (2), 143-156, 2007
A factor and trends analysis of multidecadal lower tropospheric observations of Arctic aerosol composition, black carbon, ozone, and mercury at Alert, Canada
S Sharma, LA Barrie, E Magnusson, G Brattström, WR Leaitch, A Steffen, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 124 (24), 14133-14161, 2019
Source-receptor modeling using trace metals in aerosols collected at three rural Canadian Great Lakes sampling stations
SR Biegalski, S Landsberger, RM Hoff
Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association 48 (3), 227-237, 1998
Leaching dynamics studies of municipal solid waste incinerator ash
BA Buchholz, S Landsberger
Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association 45 (8), 579-590, 1995
Organic and inorganic bromine compounds and their composition in the Arctic troposphere during polar sunrise
SM Li, Y Yokouchi, LA Barrie, K Muthuramu, PB Shepson, JW Bottenheim, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 99 (D12), 25415-25428, 1994
Review of soluble uranium removal by nanoscale zero valent iron
C Jing, YL Li, S Landsberger
Journal of Environmental radioactivity 164, 65-72, 2016
Atmospheric aerosol over Finnish Arctic: source analysis by the multilinear engine and the potential source contribution function
T Yli-Tuomi, PK Hopke, P Paatero, MS Basunia, S Landsberger, ...
Atmospheric Environment 37 (31), 4381-4392, 2003
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