Dhavan Shah
Dhavan Shah
Jack M. McLeod Professor; Maier-Bascom Chair; Director, MCRC; Research Director, CCCR
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"Connecting" and" Disconnecting" with Civic Life: Patterns of Internet Use and the Production of Social Capital
D V. Shah, Nojin Kwak, R. Lance Holbert
Political communication 18 (2), 141-162, 2001
Information and Expression in a Digital Age: Modeling Internet Effects on Civic Participation
DV Shah, J Cho, WP Eveland, N Kwak
Communication research 32 (5), 531-565, 2005
Communication, context, and community: An exploration of print, broadcast, and Internet influences
DV Shah, JM McLeod, SH Yoon
Communication research 28 (4), 464-506, 2001
A smartphone application to support recovery from alcoholism: a randomized clinical trial
DH Gustafson, FM McTavish, MY Chih, AK Atwood, RA Johnson, ...
JAMA psychiatry 71 (5), 566-572, 2014
Digital democracy: Reimagining pathways to political participation
H Gil de Zúñiga, A Veenstra, E Vraga, D Shah
Journal of information technology & politics 7 (1), 36-51, 2010
Campaign ads, online messaging, and participation: Extending the communication mediation model
DV Shah, J Cho, S Nah, MR Gotlieb, H Hwang, NJ Lee, RM Scholl, ...
Journal of communication 57 (4), 676-703, 2007
News framing and cueing of issue regimes: Explaining Clinton's public approval in spite of scandal
DV Shah, MD Watts, D Domke, DP Fan
Public opinion quarterly 66 (3), 339-370, 2002
Civic engagement, interpersonal trust, and television use: An individual‐level assessment of social capital
DV Shah
Political Psychology 19 (3), 469-496, 1998
Campaigns, reflection, and deliberation: Advancing an OSROR model of communication effects
J Cho, DV Shah, JM McLeod, DM McLeod, RM Scholl, MR Gotlieb
Communication theory 19 (1), 66-88, 2009
Personality strength and social capital: The role of dispositional and informational variables in the production of civic participation
DA Scheufele, DV Shah
Communication research 27 (2), 107-131, 2000
For the good of others: Censorship and the third-person effect
H Rojas, DV Shah, RJ Faber
International Journal of Public Opinion Research 8 (2), 163-186, 1996
Assessing causality in the cognitive mediation model: A panel study of motivations, information processing, and learning during campaign 2000
WP Eveland Jr, DV Shah, N Kwak
Communication research 30 (4), 359-386, 2003
The impact of individual and interpersonal factors on perceived news media bias
WP Eveland Jr, DV Shah
Political psychology 24 (1), 101-117, 2003
Media priming effects: Accessibility, association, and activation
D Domke, DV Shah, DB Wackman
International Journal of Public Opinion Research 10 (1), 51-74, 1998
A new space for political behavior: Political social networking and its democratic consequences
L Bode, EK Vraga, P Borah, DV Shah
Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication 19 (3), 414-429, 2014
Environmental concern, patterns of television viewing, and pro-environmental behaviors: Integrating models of media consumption and effects
RL Holbert, N Kwak, DV Shah
Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media 47 (2), 177-196, 2003
Elite cues and media bias in presidential campaigns: Explaining public perceptions of a liberal press
MD Watts, D Domke, DV Shah, DP Fan
Communication Research 26 (2), 144-175, 1999
Framing and the public agenda: Media effects on the importance of the federal budget deficit
AE Jasperson, DV Shah, M Watts, RJ Faber, DP Fan
Political Communication 15 (2), 205-224, 1998
Processes of political socialization: A communication mediation approach to youth civic engagement
NJ Lee, DV Shah, JM McLeod
Communication Research 40 (5), 669-697, 2013
Understanding the relationship between communication and political knowledge: A model comparison approach using panel data
WP Eveland Jr, AF Hayes, DV Shah, N Kwak
Political Communication 22 (4), 423-446, 2005
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