Prof. Vivek V. Buwa
Prof. Vivek V. Buwa
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Dynamics of gas–liquid flow in a rectangular bubble column: experiments and single/multi-group CFD simulations
VV Buwa, VV Ranade
Chemical Engineering Science 57 (22-23), 4715-4736, 2002
Numerical simulations of drop impact and spreading on horizontal and inclined surfaces
SF Lunkad, VV Buwa, KDP Nigam
Chemical Engineering Science 62 (24), 7214-7224, 2007
Eulerian–Lagrangian simulations of unsteady gas–liquid flows in bubble columns
VV Buwa, DS Deo, VV Ranade
International journal of multiphase flow 32 (7), 864-885, 2006
Numerical simulation of periodic bubble formation at a submerged orifice with constant gas flow rate
D Gerlach, N Alleborn, V Buwa, F Durst
Chemical Engineering Science 62 (7), 2109-2125, 2007
Tailoring of activity and selectivity using bimetallic catalyst in hydrogenation of succinic acid
RM Deshpande, VV Buwa, CV Rode, RV Chaudhari, PL Mills
Catalysis Communications 3 (7), 269-274, 2002
Experimental investigations of regimes of bubble formation on submerged orifices under constant flow condition
VK Badam, V Buwa, F Durst
The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering 85 (3), 257-267, 2007
Numerical simulations of bubble formation on submerged orifices: Period-1 and period-2 bubbling regimes
VV Buwa, D Gerlach, F Durst, E Schlücker
Chemical Engineering Science 62 (24), 7119-7132, 2007
Numerical simulations of liquid− liquid flows in microchannels
R Raj, N Mathur, VV Buwa
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 49 (21), 10606-10614, 2010
Characterization of dynamics of gas–liquid flows in rectangular bubble columns
VV Buwa, VV Ranade
AIChE journal 50 (10), 2394-2407, 2004
Modelling of gas‐liquid/gas‐liquid‐solid flows in bubble columns: experiments and CFD simulations
MR Rampure, VV Buwa, VV Ranade
The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering 81 (3‐4), 692-706, 2003
Mixing in bubble column reactors: role of unsteady flow structures
VV Buwa, VV Ranade
The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering 81 (3‐4), 402-411, 2003
Effect of particle shape on fluid flow and heat transfer for methane steam reforming reactions in a packed bed
GM Karthik, VV Buwa
AIChE Journal 63 (1), 366-377, 2017
Fluid dynamics and mixing of single-phase flow in a stirred vessel with a grid disc impeller: experimental and numerical investigations
V Buwa, A Dewan, AF Nassar, F Durst
chemical engineering science 61 (9), 2815-2822, 2006
PIV measurements and CFD simulations of the particle-scale flow distribution in a packed bed
AH Thaker, GM Karthik, VV Buwa
Chemical engineering journal 374, 189-200, 2019
Dynamics of gas–liquid flow in a cylindrical bubble column: Comparison of electrical resistance tomography and voidage probe measurements
BK Singh, A Quiyoom, VV Buwa
Chemical Engineering Science 158, 124-139, 2017
Experimental characterization of gas–liquid–liquid flows in T-junction microchannels
VM Rajesh, VV Buwa
Chemical engineering journal 207, 832-844, 2012
Particle‐resolved simulations of methane steam reforming in multilayered packed beds
K GM, VV Buwa
AIChE Journal 64 (11), 4162-4176, 2018
Volume-of-fluid simulations of gas-liquid-liquid flows in minichannels
VM Rajesh, VV Buwa
Chemical Engineering Journal 345, 688-705, 2018
Bubbling/slugging flow behavior in a cylindrical fluidized bed: ECT measurements and two-fluid simulations
BK Singh, S Roy, VV Buwa
Chemical Engineering Journal 383, 123120, 2020
Experimental characterization of dense gas–liquid flow in a bubble column using voidage probes
P Tyagi, VV Buwa
Chemical Engineering Journal 308, 912-928, 2017
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