適用於公開取用強制性政策的文章 - Miguel Angel Veganzones瞭解詳情
An endmember-based distance for content based hyperspectral image retrieval
M Grana, MA Veganzones
Pattern Recognition 45 (9), 3472-3489, 2012
授權規定: Government of Spain
Thermal and fire behavior of isophorone diisocyanate based polyurethane foams containing conventional flame retardants
I Eceiza, A Barrio, L Martin, MA Veganzones, MJ Fernández‐Berridi, ...
Journal of Applied Polymer Science 135 (10), 45944, 2018
授權規定: Government of Spain
Hyperspectral pansharpening: a review
L Loncan, LB Almeida, JM Bioucas-Dias, X Briottet, J Chanussot, ...
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine 3 (3), 27-46, 2015
授權規定: Research Foundation (Flanders), Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal
Blind hyperspectral unmixing using an extended linear mixing model to address spectral variability
L Drumetz, MA Veganzones, S Henrot, R Phlypo, J Chanussot, C Jutten
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 25 (8), 3890-3905, 2016
授權規定: US National Science Foundation, European Commission
Hyperspectral super-resolution of locally low rank images from complementary multisource data
MA Veganzones, M Simoes, G Licciardi, N Yokoya, JM Bioucas-Dias, ...
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 25 (1), 274-288, 2015
授權規定: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal, European Commission
Federated Learning and Differential Privacy: Software tools analysis, the Sherpa. ai FL framework and methodological guidelines for preserving data privacy
N Rodríguez-Barroso, G Stipcich, D Jiménez-López, JA Ruiz-Millán, ...
Information Fusion 64, 270-292, 2020
授權規定: Government of Spain
Nonnegative tensor CP decomposition of hyperspectral data
MA Veganzones, JE Cohen, RC Farias, J Chanussot, P Comon
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 54 (5), 2577-2588, 2015
授權規定: European Commission
A new extended linear mixing model to address spectral variability
MA Veganzones, L Drumetz, G Tochon, M Dalla Mura, A Plaza, ...
2014 6th Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing: Evolution in …, 2014
授權規定: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal, European Commission
A Spectral/Spatial CBIR system for hyperspectral images
MA Veganzones, M Graña
Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, IEEE …, 2012
授權規定: Government of Spain
A novel negative abundance-oriented hyperspectral unmixing algorithm
R Marrero, S Lopez, GM Callico, MA Veganzones, A Plaza, J Chanussot, ...
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 53 (7), 3772-3790, 2015
授權規定: Government of Spain
Dynamic federated learning model for identifying adversarial clients
N Rodrıguez-Barroso, E Martınez-Cámara, M Luzón, GG Seco, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2007.15030, 16, 2020
授權規定: Government of Spain
Dictionary based hyperspectral image retrieval
MA Veganzones, M Datcu, M Grana
Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Pattern Recognition …, 2012
授權規定: Government of Spain
Endmember induction by lattice associative memories and multi-objective genetic algorithms
M Graña, MA Veganzones
EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing 2012, 1-12, 2012
授權規定: Government of Spain
Binary partition trees-based robust adaptive hyperspectral RX anomaly detection
MA Veganzones, J Frontera-Pons, F Pascal, JP Ovarlez, J Chanussot
2014 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 5077-5081, 2014
授權規定: European Commission