Ciarán Hickey
Ciarán Hickey
Assistant Professor, University College Dublin
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Half-integer quantized anomalous thermal Hall effect in the Kitaev material candidate α-RuCl3
T Yokoi, S Ma, Y Kasahara, S Kasahara, T Shibauchi, N Kurita, H Tanaka, ...
Science 373 (6554), 568-572, 2021
Kitaev materials
S Trebst, C Hickey
Physics Reports 950, 1-37, 2022
Emergence of a field-driven U (1) spin liquid in the Kitaev honeycomb model
C Hickey, S Trebst
Nature communications 10 (1), 530, 2019
Haldane-Hubbard Mott insulator: From tetrahedral spin crystal to chiral spin liquid
C Hickey, L Cincio, Z Papić, A Paramekanti
Physical review letters 116 (13), 137202, 2016
Quantum skyrmions in frustrated ferromagnets
V Lohani, C Hickey, J Masell, A Rosch
Physical Review X 9 (4), 041063, 2019
High-field quantum disordered state in : Spin flips, bound states, and multiparticle continuum
A Sahasrabudhe, DAS Kaib, S Reschke, R German, TC Koethe, J Buhot, ...
Physical Review B 101 (14), 140410, 2020
Majorana corner modes in a second-order Kitaev spin liquid
V Dwivedi, C Hickey, T Eschmann, S Trebst
Physical Review B 98 (5), 054432, 2018
Spin-orbit coupled iridium moments on the geometrically frustrated fcc lattice
AM Cook, S Matern, C Hickey, AA Aczel, A Paramekanti
Physical Review B 92 (2), 020417, 2015
Fingerprints of Kitaev physics in the magnetic excitations of honeycomb iridates
A Revelli, M Moretti Sala, G Monaco, C Hickey, P Becker, F Freund, ...
Physical review research 2 (4), 043094, 2020
Field-driven gapless spin liquid in the spin-1 Kitaev honeycomb model
C Hickey, C Berke, PP Stavropoulos, HY Kee, S Trebst
Physical review research 2 (2), 023361, 2020
Emergence of chiral spin liquids via quantum melting of noncoplanar magnetic orders
C Hickey, L Cincio, Z Papić, A Paramekanti
Physical Review B 96 (11), 115115, 2017
Competing chiral orders in the topological Haldane-Hubbard model of spin- fermions and bosons
C Hickey, P Rath, A Paramekanti
Physical Review B 91 (13), 134414, 2015
Thermal phase transitions of strongly correlated bosons with spin-orbit coupling
C Hickey, A Paramekanti
Physical Review Letters 113 (26), 265302, 2014
TMDs as a platform for spin liquid physics: A strong coupling study of twisted bilayer WSe2
D Kiese, Y He, C Hickey, A Rubio, DM Kennes
APL Materials 10 (3), 2022
Thermal Hall signatures of non-Kitaev spin liquids in honeycomb Kitaev materials
YH Gao, C Hickey, T Xiang, S Trebst, G Chen
Physical Review Research 1 (1), 013014, 2019
Emergence and stability of spin-valley entangled quantum liquids in moiré heterostructures
D Kiese, FL Buessen, C Hickey, S Trebst, MM Scherer
Physical Review Research 2 (1), 013370, 2020
Mean field study of the topological Haldane-Hubbard model of spin- fermions
VS Arun, R Sohal, C Hickey, A Paramekanti
Physical Review B 93 (11), 115110, 2016
Emergent dome of nematic order around a quantum anomalous Hall critical point
AM Cook, C Hickey, A Paramekanti
Physical Review B 90 (8), 085145, 2014
Generic field-driven phenomena in Kitaev spin liquids: Canted magnetism and proximate spin liquid physics
C Hickey, M Gohlke, C Berke, S Trebst
Physical Review B 103 (6), 064417, 2021
Field stability of Majorana spin liquids in antiferromagnetic Kitaev models
C Berke, S Trebst, C Hickey
Physical Review B 101 (21), 214442, 2020
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