Richard JS Wise
Richard JS Wise
Professor of Neurology, Imperial College
在 imperial.ac.uk 的電子郵件地址已通過驗證
The anatomy of phonological and semantic processing in normal subjects
JF Demonet, F Chollet, S Ramsay, D Cardebat, JL Nespoulous, R Wise, ...
Brain 115 (6), 1753-1768, 1992
Functional anatomy of a common semantic system for words and pictures
R Vandenberghe, C Price, R Wise, O Josephs, RSJ Frackowiak
Nature 383 (6597), 254-256, 1996
The functional anatomy of motor recovery after stroke in humans: a study with positron emission tomography
F Chollet, V DiPiero, RJ Wise, DJ Brooks, RJ Dolan, RS Frackowiak
Annals of neurology 29 (1), 63-71, 1991
Cerebral blood flow, blood volume and oxygen utilization: normal values and effect of age
KL Leenders, D Perani, AA Lammertsma, JD Heather, P Buckingham, ...
Brain 113 (1), 27-47, 1990
Identification of a pathway for intelligible speech in the left temporal lobe
SK Scott, CC Blank, S Rosen, RJS Wise
Brain 123 (12), 2400-2406, 2000
Functional reorganization of the brain in recovery from striatocapsular infarction in man
C Weiller, F Chollet, KJ Friston, RJS Wise, RSJ Frackowiak
Annals of Neurology: Official Journal of the American Neurological …, 1992
Distribution of cortical neural networks involved in word comprehension and word retrieval
R Wise, F Chollet, URI Hadar, K Friston, E Hoffner, R Frackowiak
Brain 114 (4), 1803-1817, 1991
Exacerbation of pain by anxiety is associated with activity in a hippocampal network
A Ploghaus, C Narain, CF Beckmann, S Clare, S Bantick, R Wise, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 21 (24), 9896-9903, 2001
Individual patterns of functional reorganization in the human cerebral cortex after capsular infarction.
C Weiller, SC Ramsay, RJ Wise, KJ Friston, RS Frackowiak
Annals of neurology 33 (2), 181-189, 1993
The structural components of music perception. A functional anatomical study.
H Platel, C Price, JC Baron, R Wise, J Lambert, RS Frackowiak, ...
Brain: a journal of neurology 120 (2), 229-243, 1997
Noun and verb retrieval by normal subjects studies with PET
E Warburton, RJS Wise, CJ Price, C Weiller, U Hadar, S Ramsay, ...
Brain 119 (1), 159-179, 1996
Evaluation of cerebral perfusion reserve in patients with carotid-artery occlusion
JM Gibbs, KL Leenders, RJS Wise, T Jones
The Lancet 323 (8370), 182-186, 1984
The cortical localization of the lexicons: Positron emission tomography evidence
D Howard, K Patterson, R Wise, WD Brown, K Friston, C Weiller, ...
Brain 115 (6), 1769-1782, 1992
Separate neural subsystems withinWernicke's area'
RJS Wise, SK Scott, SC Blank, CJ Mummery, K Murphy, EA Warburton
Brain 124 (1), 83-95, 2001
Brain regions involved in articulation
RJS Wise, J Greene, C Büchel, SK Scott
The Lancet 353 (9158), 1057-1061, 1999
Demonstrating the implicit processing of visually presented words and pseudowords
CJ Price, RJS Wise, RSJ Frackowiak
Cerebral cortex 6 (1), 62-70, 1996
Segregating semantic from phonological processes during reading
CJ Price, CJ Moore, GW Humphreys, RJS Wise
Journal of cognitive neuroscience 9 (6), 727-733, 1997
Hearing and saying: The functional neuro-anatomy of auditory word processing
CJ Price, CJ Price, RJS Wise, EA Warburton, CJ Moore, D Howard, ...
Brain 119 (3), 919-931, 1996
Brain activity during reading The effects of exposure duration and task
CJ Price, RJS Wise, JDG Watson, K Patterson, D Howard, ...
Brain 117 (6), 1255-1269, 1994
Serial observations on the pathophysiology of acute stroke: the transition from ischaemia to infarction as reflected in regional oxygen extraction
RJS Wise, S Bernardi, RSJ Frackowiak, NJ Legg, T Jones
Brain 106 (1), 197-222, 1983
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